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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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103 replies

Regn, thanx for this!

I don‘t know it‘s rare or not, but I‘ve found something like this:

Per talking at the seashore in Halmstad + snippets from Mazarin release gig.

simple as it ; let’s share our rare mp3 or video files; here i go with LTYH at TOTP ’89

Link is broken

Why not to have a Roxette DC or torrent server

Sorry but what is DC?

agree ! :-)

Yeah! Great idea! :0) Who will made this DC server? I know nothing about it, I can only join the hub :0)

DC is a p2p way of getting and sharing files. First you have to have a DC client (DC++), after that you connect to chosen hub (“room”), search what you need and... download! But seriously, it‘s a really good idea. I joined Queen hub some time ago, I can find whatever I want. The only rule on this hub is not sharing official stuff. Seems fair to me.

I never get to get DC working properly here. You need to share a lot to get into a hub and even if I share about 20 GB I’m told that it’s not enough when the 20 GB are required for the hub; so it probably doesn’t count subfolders but to have thousands of files in one folder would be way too messy; LOL!

Subfolders does count.

Oh shit... I’ve got trouble downloading normal mp3’s... not to mention GB’s!! But it’s a good idea non the less...!!

More and more broadband providors ban DC from their network, which means users and customer of such providors can’t use DC :( Mostly cause it steal so much bandwidth at all times of the day and night.

Also I would like to remind you all that EMI and Per reads these things.

Yeah, it might be better to talk about stuff like this in a mailinglist or smthg.

I don’t see anything bad about sharing rare and unreleased mp3s and videos between fans. Sort of, but when it’s p2p, more stuff can be available, because it won’t overload the server. If Per reads these lines, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind. A small torrent network just for rox fans wouldn’t require wide bandwidth for the server.

We are talking about “sharing non-official stuff”, did you notice? No stealing from Per and EMI.

That, my friend, is not important to record companies. I’m just warning you.

@tevensso, thank you so much for your warning!

Tev next time just let them have fun and laugh when they get a nice email from EMI. It would surely not be the first time ;)

Dear moderators! Please let me warn you, that this particular site is being currently used for illegal sharing of unofficial MP3 recordings. Many threads contain links to such files and EMI will obviously close this so called newspaper down as soon as they will finish with Per’s Bad Hair Day project, that violates their regulations most violently.

Meanwhile, visit one of my fav sites:, which is something I had in mind for Roxette. I even found some Roxette stuff there once!

Ok, end of topic. :0)

you missed this part:

“All trademarks and copyrights on this site are owned by their respective owners. Comments and discussion group postings are owned by the poster. The rest © 1997-2006 The Daily Roxette.”


“TDR assumes no responsibility whatsoever for pages accessible through links on TDR’s pages, or for information included therein.”

Yea, mbroxer, I know what you mean. I also know this kind of sites, they have Roxette there.
I‘d like to show another great example of sites which allow fans share their collection with non-official stuff. This site is also under a strict control of record companies. Check this out:

Anyway, we don‘t want to make moderators angry, so let‘s leave this topic for private mail messages ;0)

Let’s return to the topic “rare mp3 or video files” late i’ll try to post the video again ...
c’mon its so dificult just share some live recordings or interviews from our old CD data files why always small things on here have to become a major drama?????????

I think i’m stoned... could anyone just translate to me whats happenings here? The last time i checked TDR was unofficial!

and it still is, Thomas only tried to be nice and warn people. Is it that difficult to answer “ok thanks for the advice, we’ll go on somewhere else” or alike?

So whatever, next time you might just suit yourself, and, like I said, have a laugh (or cry?) when you get a friendly email from EMI.

To quote another reader: yawn.


And I recently thought about asking people here is there a DC++ hub anywhere cause we’re all using such things a lot here (still no various laws). And now I found this thread confusing. Please Judith or/and Tev could you explain what would be the difference between having such hub and saying it here, and for example mentioning Roxbytes where one can download same stuff? (I mean what is the difference to EMI and to TDR?)

EMI, if they are reading, should know we are still buying house-made DVD’s, because they don’t bother releasing them. I am talking about Sweden Live, Look Sharp! Live, Live-Ism and Crash! Boom! Live!

Yes, I know, we have the official, lousy, VHS’s released in the early 90’s. Thank you EMI, you are great! They don’t have enough moral authority to send any email. If I get any email for such a company, I would laugh out loud and send it to the trash.

Tev I won the bet ;)

that’s great. thanks for that. i love the old stuff. not quick enough in hitting record though i guess ..

when i finally get my belkin dvd creator working properly i will upload stuff too.

I better keep my mouth shut – but lord knows not for long!!

does anyone have for upload:

- Rox @ Wetten, dass...?
- Rox @ Stars ’99
- Rox @ Bravo-Geburtstagsshow

...i would so love to watch those!

I really like the idea of sharing rare stuff, it would be great. I’m sure there is enough of people who has got concert records or any other unofficial stuff and wants to share. The simpliest variant I think would be create here or on any other rox forum a section where we can post links to uploaded files (if using the only one thread it’ll be a mess). There are good file sharing services like or The latter provides no limit to the number of downloads and deletes the file only after 30 days of inactivity.

Please, speak to us :0)

Regn, it’s incredible! It’s so wonderful to watch such a rare performance. There was Micke “Syd” on drums! Wow! Thanks a lot!

Thanx Blunek
here’s Real sugar playback on Big brother Norway

hope more links

I don’t really remember if this file was previously avaliable for download but I just adore this video so much. It’s “Like lovers do”:

Thank you very very much!!!!!

In 2001 Roxette performed in Italy at “Festivalbar”. P & M performed 2 times “Real Sugar”. Did you have it ??

Would be really really fantastic (-;

This is a small clip I recorded at the Room Service signing session in Madrid, 2001. Enjoy!

And here is Real Sugar (TV performance on TVE):

Thank you very much, Viewtiful! :0)

Another TV performance... this time it’s Wish I Could Fly on the spanish show Sorpresa Sorpresa. Per & Marie came to surprise a fan who was sitting in the audience...

@Viewtiful: THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH!!!! This is really really great!!

Did you have more from the Room Service times ?? Maybe tv reports about the RS tour ?? Would be really really great!!!

aahhh!! THIS POOR GUY IN SPAIN! I can hardly warch it *lol* thank you so much for this video!!!

@ crashroxer: From Room Service I got the following:
- TVE Special (interview + TCOTH + Real Sugar + MATAH + Looking for Jane + WICF + The Look)
- Making of TCOTH Video
- TCOTH TV performance on TVE
- TCOTH TV performance on Al Salir de Clase

From Have a Nice Day i got:
- TVE Special (Interview + Crush On You + Anyone + Un dia sin ti/spending my time + Sleeping in my car + WICF)
- Interview on TVE’s “Corazon Corazon”

If you are interested I can upload all of them, or just the ones you want to have.

Oh, could you upload: “TCOTH TV performance on Al Salir de Clase”, please ??

And I’m sure I have these other things on vhs..!? But, of course - you can upload it for the other people here (-:

Did you also have some other things. I mean not specially from spain? Maybe italy, austria or sweden ??

OK, two more videos added:

Room Service TVE Special (Rar file, part 1):

Room Service TVE Special (Rar file, part 2):

TCOTH TV Performance on Al Salir de Clase:

@crashroxer I used to have Real Sugar performed at Festivalbar (I was a actually there!). I had it on tape but I’m not sure if I still got it. I’ll have a look tomorrow. I remember it was in playback but had a different ending.

Thank you for uploading all this great videos! :)

Thanx viewtiful the sorpresa sorprsa file its awesome & i’ve been waited years for see it ( a friend told me ’ bout that Tv show

I would be interested in the HAND stuff but please could you upload it somewhere else than RapidShare? I can’t download anything on RapidShare due to those access codes.

Hi Everyone!

I’ve just set-up a DC Hub for sharing our roxette material. The launch will be at 23:00 GMT+1 time.

Point your DC client to:

Please obey to the folowing rules:

1. NO official released material!
2. Let’s keep a positive vibe
3. The user itself is responsible for the material he or she is sharing.

Hope to see you this evening in the hub!!


@rox-obsessed: Hmm..we all knows that!!!!!!

@roxlad: oh, that wóuld be really really fantastic!!!! Could you upload it, than ??

@Viewtiful: THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!!

btw: please answer my questions above...


Thanks for the reply!
But what exactly do you mean with your statement??

Please reply

That’s a good question. Same to you: What do you exactly mean ?? Think it’s ok to share tv performances or something like that in the www. Madonna, Kylie or Robbie fans are doing the same!!!!


Thanks for sorting that out ;-) Well I mean by official released material things like these:

*No official CD albums
*No official release CD singles

Ofcourse TV broadcasts are allowed since everyone can record them from TV :-)

I’m Sorry for the misunderstanding.


What’s the “hub” ??


The hub stands for the Direct connect hub. Have you never worked with Direct Connect?

Just for the record: I’m doing this for al the fans not for myself ;-)


Yeah, of course. But, I think everyone in this forum has all these official things. So, we - especially I am looking for some rare stuff. Like tv things...(-;

Can you put vhs stuff into the computer ??

WOW, you ROCK (-:


I rest my case :-). But if we follow this rule we don’t offend any copyright rules.

I will provide this material:

*Roxette MTV unplugged DVD-Rip
*Live ISM DVD-Rip
*Sweden Live DVD-Rip

Maybe later I will provide the full DVD images, but that takes up a lot of diskspace :-)


Aren’t these files availible @ and ??


I sense a taste of critisism on your side. These files are available at Roxbytes. But mine are from a better source. MTV Unplugged for example has a better image quality and is mixed with the soundboard recording from CD.

And even if they are available from roxbytes I don’t see a problem. The bandwith capacity of roxbytes is limited these days. In this way we can help sharing and providing bandwith

I‘ll jon this hub with pleasure! :0)


You’re most welcome ;-)
But remember, no released material!

So you tonight!!


Relax, relax. My comment wasn’t against you. So, do what you want. I’m really looking forward to it!!
Many greetings.

Visit our forum:

Not that I care the slightest, but Sweden Live and Live-ism are both official releases.

So I’m not sure I entirely understand the rules of the hub.

(It’s a great initiative so I’m not trying to sound hate-ish)


Well you’ve got a point there :-).
Let’s keep recent official releases out of the hub and all the official released CD material.

We are already open by te way ;-)

You are most welcome.


rox-obsessed: You answered so fast so I didn’t notice your reply :)

Thanks for the invite. But I’ve been around for a while anyway.

Guys, thank you so much for these files! There are soo many songs i never heard live!! (Go to sleep is great!)

But this makes me miss Roxette even more... oh my, i hope so so much that they come back!

As TOTP is deciphered ?

Whom not difficultly can to me copy LTYH TOTP ’ 89 to?

Just wondering here, but what the hell is a DC and how would one get one or join one.... call me stupid!

DC - is SUXX!!!

p.s. IMHO

Some old stuff:

Marie - “Ännu doftar kärlek” (with Lasse Lindbom Band 1982) videoclip

Per and Marie with Lasse at the ANC Galan 1995 “Love the one you’re with” - videoclip



Could you upload:

- HAND TVE Special (Interview + Crush On You + Anyone + Un dia sin ti/spending my time + Sleeping in my car + WICF)
- Interview on TVE’s “Corazon Corazon”

I like the one about Room Service, I’d like to see this one too. Thank you in advance!

excuse me for perhaps being stupid, but what are ’rar’-files?

Kinda like zip-files; compressed files.

Your best friend is, probably, WinRAR.


“Love the one you’re with” is just great!!!


@strest... thanx.... wasn’t that familiar with the format, as working on a Mac since years...

For other mac users, found this tool:

Rotterdam 94 (mp3)
good quality , enjoy


You can download a wmv file for the video and a wmv file for the interview plus the video (both from Nyhetsmorgon) in the Share-your-Rox! DC++ hub in my SOAP videos directory.

Enjoy it!
SOAP on!
Carlos E., New York.

you can download HEY MR DJ video from here:

Interview will be available later. Enjoy!

@Bunio... the link for the Hey Mr DJ video doesn’t work for me...

check it now.

So, what do I have to do to enter this “DC”? I have no clue how it works. Would be nice if someone could send me a email with a full german description. Thanx!

Wow!! I love the video of Marie - “Ännu doftar kärlek” (with Lasse Lindbom Band 1982)!!!!

Anyone else having problems with connecting to the hub - yet to be successful.

*** A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.

That’s all I get!

*MF; looks great!


hmm, i get the very same message. I don’t know how to sort this out though...

can anyone help, please?

cant get the ANC song nor the signing from madrid
please continue post her cuz dont know how dc works

uhm, will anybody please upload “Ännu doftar kärlek” with Lasse Lindbom Band 1982” again??? i mean, if it´s allowed.

@ Fortius I,ve sent you an email

What the....!!!

Does anybody know of any other website that has the full roxette videos instead of just the first 20 seconds?

The look live 94
Marie @tv huset performing sommarägn

Does someone has the Tv-performance when Marie sings Tro on “Allsång på skansen” from a couple of years ago? I think it was from 2000. I saw it on youtube but it wasn’t so good quality... does someone has it in better quality?


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