The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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That is so cool. Sweet, very sweet

Really nice.


very nice!

Thanks guys, i thought i had maybe made it a bit too depressing, but it was kind of reflective to go with the song

Really nostalgic... :)

Very nice, anyone else got tears in there eyes...

Me, specially if you watch it on a rainy day like today.

Wot a cute pic of her as an ickle girl!! Great compilation of pics! Really like it!!

Wonder if the person who made it posts here..

isn’t it Neil that made it??? I thought it was

yeah i made it.

Sorry Neil didn’t relise... good work!

Very very nice! I loved it!!! :)

oooohhhhh... i wish to return back the time... *sighs*

Wondering where this song comes from? It’s beautiful. SOunds like something she’d sing now, not ten years ago, maybe?

I’m new to current news, and don’t know any new stuff after Don’t Bore Us, so I’m trying to play catchup. Long story as to why...
Can someone describe the video, or at least give me an idea? I’m completely blind, so while I got to hear the music, which was beautiful, I don’t have a clue what was on my screen.

Wow, that was telling... I like it.

See me is a b-side which appeared first on the salvation single. It was recorded in 1997 as a demo for the HAND album. The youtube video is a nice collage of Marie photos through the years...

Wow.. love it sooo much!!
Very emotional!



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