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One Wish: crush on you

27 replies

I know that we have had this discussion going for as long as Have A Nice Day has been knocking about. But whenever I’m driving in my car and I click Crush On You on the CD player and boot up the sound. I can’t help thinking that Roxette really missed a trick by not releasing this song.

It is lyrically brilliant. It has both Marie and Per singing at thier best- Marie belting out the chorus powerfully and Per singing the verse really well.

If I had one wish, I would wish that Marie and Per maybe did a new version of this song - just updated it slightly and put it on a new album (if we get one) and release it as the first song.

Oh well - I’m going back to sleep now.


ye i agree 100 % HUGE mistake.

Not a bad idea! Roxette has released old songs on new albums before ( Soul Deep in Joyride, So Far Away in Tourism) so why not?? C´mon Per!!!!

Good idea!

indeed, gr8 idea! can only agree

Totally agree.

Hmm. Not my favourite HAND song. Would have prefered an international Pay The Price release. Much better in my opinion!

i think we need everyone to be on board for this come on.

maybe release it as a anniversey song for 20 year
’crush on you’ almighty mix, would roll out to clubs , would be great.

Indeed the biggest mistake, that they didn’t release Crush On You as a single.
Great song.

Well if it was released I’d buy it as it aint a bad song

My favorite song on HAND and always thought it would be a single. Why did they plan it as the 5th!? I was disapointed when it wasnt the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th..
I only thought at the time they didnt plan on releasing it earlier was because it didnt sound like Roxette with its thumping bass beat etc. I believe it would of been a hit worldwide, instead they faded away with the other choices for singles :( HUGE MISTAKE!

Definitely a missed opportunity.

Now that would be an interesting idea!

I’ve got my fingers crossed for it :)

Agree 100%... think this track should be given a second chance!!!

I agree! It should have been a single!

BUT: It would have been great to release the song in the Live-Version of 2001. It made the song a lot better!

Maybe they could still do that. Releasing a “Best of Live” album with crush on you, the look (from Tourism) and Joyride (CBB-Tour) as singles

see im glad everyone is getting on board with this idea :-D , Id love a re-recorded version, slighty heavier /live sound to it.

wow - glad it was not just me!

Her Mr DJ - sorry, I mean Gessle - please read all our thoughts and surprise us in late 2006/ 2007!

Oooh - I do prefer the live version, I like that idea to make it a little more edgier - interesting ! :)

Yup, a great song and I’m playing it on the radio sometimes. It sounds really well together with all the new worldwide hits. It would have been a successfull single I think.

you read my mind. coy should have been a single, and i´m sure it would have been a huge success, at least it would have been better than the actual singles taken from HAND. i still dream about it being released some day, but i don´t know. i also remember that when it was rumoured that it would be the 5th single from HAND i started saving money to buy the double maxi single. it was such a disappointment to find out it would never be released. anyway...

I just came across this thread and thought how incredible the title is..

8-] It’s a pre-sign!! Hope so... ;-)

well blow me if I aint a clairvoyant! And I have to say the song is like Crush On You Too! ;o)

Hey Per - you been stealing my lyrics again! lol


I just wish that Per or someone could put closure to this topic for once and for all.. I love COY, but we are dragging this topic out and the least per or someone can do is let us know if something like this will ever happen

if somebody told me that coy will never be released i would be really sad. i think it is better to keep on dreaming. i mean, who knows? “myth” really became a myth throughout the years and now we know it´ll finally be released. something similar happened with “stupid” rox version, and we also got that. so, maybe someday...

... or maybe not... Time will tell :-)

We just have to hope.

yea it would be great if they release at lteast the mixes


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