June Afternoon and DBUGTTC US version
ThePopHits said on June 11, 2006 21:57:
Does someone know why June Afternoon was not on US version?
rox-kuryliw said on June 11, 2006 22:08:
they wasnt enough room for June Afternoon, and no , no singles
animalkingdom said on June 12, 2006 18:50:
But there are only 16 songs on the US version compared to the 18 on the international one. So I think there would’ve been enough room for June Afternoon, plus a couple of extra songs from Have A Nice Day.
I think they only wanted to include US singles (from The Look to CBB) plus the new radio single WICF and its possible follow-up Stars. Why YDUM is there doesn’t really make sense. Maybe it’s some sort of bonus-track...I used to think it had something to do with the fact that Per got help from an American on that one :)
roxcyn said on June 20, 2006 03:19:
I love You Don’t Understand Me. :D. I wondered about that too, why wasn’t those songs put on there...
ThePopHits said on June 11, 2006 22:00:
another question: was You Dont Understand Me and June Afternoon released as a single in the USA?