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the sweet hello, the sad good bye single

9 replies

“The sweet hello, the sad good bye” also was released on compilation album, either “Absolut Music” or “Mr Music”, don’t remebmer which one.


theres no TSHTSG single. It was a B-side.

Oh yes, there indeed exists a cd single of this beautiful song. It’s a Swedish promo cd single specially made for the Swedish radio to thank them for their support during the years, so says the description in The Look For Roxette.

It’s very rare as only 225 copies were made.
Besides, the cd single has no inlay.

Roxette´s most covered song. And one of the best ever. In my top 3.

sandyam is totally fact, the cd is yellow with a big star , red one, in the middle..yep..only 225 copies! and yep, no inlay ither..

I truly wonder if anyone here owns this item.
Unfortunately I don’t...

I do. Not too rare in Sweden. :)

me too

“Not too Rare in Sweden” Why you @#$%^&!! :)




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