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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Ex-Fanclub team

6 replies

What ever happened to the people that used to run the fanclub? Don’t see them around at all - are they still fans?

Not that’s it’s got anything to do with me - just curious as I’m sure they HAVE a lot they can share with the rest of us (info/stories etc.).

(Or did they give up after realizing they won’t be getting anymore freebies to sell on ebay?) *hides from potential flames*

I heard some of them got married and have chilren now so I suppose they’re just being busy with their families..

It has indeed become very quiet around the ex-fanclubteam, though they still haven’t solved all the problems. All the items from the fanshop seem to have been delivered but the issue of the credits from memberships, reviews and newsletter still hasn’t been sorted out.

the credits from the fanshop (items that could not be delivered for whatever reason and customer was given a credit instead of the money back) are still pending as well.

I’ve seen some of them on R2R. I don’t hear from any of them anymore even though a couple of them used to be good friends, anyway I hope they’re all fine cos most of them were really amazing people and I had a lot of good times with them!

They grew up, got lifes and stopped hanging around forums....

Ally I don’t think anyone can ever be too ’old’ to hang around forums - think they are a AWESOME way of discussing things that REALLY interest you... that’s the reason why I’m still here! (BTW u got my mail, sweetheart?)


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