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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Happy recording starting in June?

17 replies

Didnt Per say that they´ve booked the studio for June? Now it´s june!...So the roxette songs are starting to take shape beginning with today? Wow. Great feeling.
Oh. No. wait a minute. The recording can´t be started, Marie has to be at Bingolotto on june 5. But maybe after....

i think they have been recording for a couple of week me tinks.

i thought about it too, as I love the exercise of thinking that at a certain given moment, somewhere, a new roxette song is born...But I doubt it really. they have to go in Skane I think. Which wasn’t possible since marie was busy in Stockholm...and how could they record in an earlier period than that for which they booked the studio?

Per has been/is recording demos in Halmstad, with MP at T&A. See

I know that, it’s not even necessarily to see the soap site, Per lives in the studio haha...but I was talking about THE famous recording with roxette...(I mean with Marie!!!). The recording of the 1or the 2 songs...these ones were supposed to be in June...that’s why I asked...

Yes, but not the whole month. Per said Marie will come for 3 or 4 days and then they’ll see how it goes. Maybe they record and produce the instruments without Marie and then she comes and sings...

I am sure there’ll be at least 2 new songs. Come on, Per, Clarence & Chris have learnt to be quicker, now haven’t they? Not polishing the songs to the extreme... ;)

It would be good if they got carried away and did a whole album in a week or something.

yes, I think you’ll right, Marie will go for a couple of days only... Well, I wish them inspiration...

i think that there will be more than two songs, I think that they will excited about stuff and do maybe three or four songs. I hope so anyway.

It all just seems so close ! lol ’Summer time’ goes by so quickly it will be October before long ! :)

Per can write a song a day if he wants to.

don’t think he can do it anymore.


i;m having nightmares of an opp nox scebnario where its per on lead for both songs and marie on miniscule backup :(

Don’t say that Cowboy you’ll CURSE them.

Please no! But I’m positive both of them know that we expect Marie on leads, at least 50 %.

I’d have nightmares about that too, but not because Per is on lead, rather because I just hate that techno sound!


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