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Listen Here The New Album 'Min Bäste Vän'

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Listen Here The New Album ’Min Bäste Vän’
Just 30 seg!!! :(


I feel that the instruments that Marie uses in her solo project is way to “HEAVY” for her voice, It makes me feel very tense when I listen to it, the guitar, the drums everything even the beat is at a s...l....o....w killing you slowly pace.

She is way better than “her style”

The original Songs have more Instruments it´s better.

It sounds nice but 30 secs isnt enough to judge a song !

Thanks Cristian, I still crying with “Den Öde Stranden” snifff..........

i think den öde stranden is a little bit too slowly.
Pers version is better.

Den Öde Stranden_It’s my favourite!!! once on the album I think... great and magnific work Marie!!! best wishes in the promo!!!

Bye!!! saludos Rox_van

just great :D Can’t wait for the full stuff!!

Yes!!! also I like Din Bäste Vän - Jag Ger Dig Min Morgon - Den Öde Stranden and Här Kommer Natten :)

Cheers Cristian’


It seems this album won’t be able to beat “Den ständiga resan” as Marie’s best album. I think “The Change” is better than this record too. Anyway, I won’t have a definitive opinion until I listen to the whole record.

Someone can makes the snippets donloadbles please?

Well I guess it was not the intention behind ’Min Bäste Vän’ to beat any other Marie´s album.
It´s just a cover album!

But a very nice one !! I like A LOT what I heard and I´m looking forward to hear the full songs!!!!

I meant to say “Den ständiga resan” is my own, personal favourite Marie’s album (to date). And apparently, “Min bäste vän” won’t be able to beat it, hehe.

This is my Top 5 (Äntligen doesn’t count):

#1 Den ständiga resan
#2 The Change
#3 Den sjunde vågen
#4 I en tid som vår
#5 Het vind

I will decide which position “Min bäste vän” deserves later, because I can’t judge until I have played the songs in their entirety.

Whoa! I love it! Ah, I SO VERY MUCH like Din Bäste Vän! I think that song will be my favorite if I ever get my hands on that album. :) I already keep listening to those 30 sec. on repeat lol

@ Marieangel: you (as everyone else who wishes to of course :)) can download all snippets (all zipped in one file) here:

Also put it on YouSendIt (for anyone who may not be able to download from RapidShare):


Muito obrigado ;)

Oops..i can’t burn the snippets!!they has a kind of protect! fuck!

snippets on mp3 files,please? has been updated -> you can listen to din bäste vän and ingen kommer.. (in addition to sommaräng and aftonfalken), the snippet is a bit longer.. Dim bäste vän is @_@

OoooooH I love the sound of the album... Din Bäste Vän & Ingen Komer is gorgeous!!!!

De nada. :)

And to those who may wish to keep the newest snippets at too:

@ Marieangel: I’ve converted the previous .wma snippets into mp3 for you:

(Though seemingly you can also burn the .wma ones as well. I just tried it using Windows Media Player burner and it worked just fine. :) Anyway one way or the other I hope it may work for you now. :))

thank you sweepy!!you’re so kind!
i hope i can burn a CD with the snippets this time.
Thank you sooo much!

thx for the snippets!!
I LOVE Din Basta Van,Har Komer Natten,Aftonfalken!!Are simply great!!!

Ingen Kommer is nice, not really keen on Aftonfalken though. I’ll have to wait and see with the album

again... thank you very much sandra!

My favorites are Aftonfalken (this is very Fredrikssonish song, dark, atmospheric, with superb guitar solos), Din bäste vän (great arrangies, I like this sound of guitars and also intermezzo, and Marie´s whispering) and Om jag vore arbetslös (the only song I know, really nice alternative version, sounds very positive to me).

Someone has the full versions?Just 2 days for the releasing of the new album!!I can’t wait anymore!!

I got the cd 5 minutes ago!!! I listen to it now and it sounds great!! =)

Ahhh !!!
Mine better come tomorrow ! I want to hear it !!!

So what’s the album like then???

I wold say that the title track sounds a lot like så länge det lyser mittemot
and the whole album seems like a mix of DSR and ET even if I only have heard a few songs

I think it’s really great. Much better then I thought before I heard it. Marie sounds fantastic!

Agree, although the weakest single choice was Sommaräng

what do you mean with ET?

meant Efter Stormen

More opinions on the album, please!
Do you have any idea if she’s going to promote it in some tv/radio-shows? It will be great to hear some more from her...

They are lucky to have this full cd, (mine has not come) I hope that someone should want to share the songs (someday)...

I want the mp3 now!!PLZ!!I can’t wait for my CD,it takes two weeks to arrive!

got the cd today delivered to Ireland from CDON.
Sounds gr8!

Noohoho ! ******* post came today at 3:30PM !!!!!!!!! And no cd ! Better come tomorrow !

Can’t wait to hear the TDR review - I love those!!

got the album today too :)

@p: not sure if we’ll make one this time.

My single arrived this Monday, and has been shipped in Thursday, so from Sweden to Czech Rep. four days weekend including. Album has been shipped yesterday. So I´m waiting for Friday...

You can hear diff parts of the snippets here:

But someone upload the full files plz!!
The fans in the other part of the world can not wait until the album arrive!PLZ!

@Judith - You’ve GOTTA do a TDR review. They always make for interesting reading!!! Pleaseeeeee

Hey, yeah, why isn’t there a review for this album? There was one of The Change & also Son Of A Plumber. But please, don’t drag tevensso along... ;)

Hurrah it came today ! Listening to it right now ! :)

Speaking of reviews, and what about what the Swedish press is saying about the album, anyone so kind as to please translate those for the rest of us non-Swedish-speaking fans please?... Thank you so greatly already. :)


Dagens Nyheter


Svenska Dagbladet


My copy just arrived this morning. Only listened to it once, but i like what i have heard so far. Her voice sounds amazing on the album, and the production is really good too.

haven’t heard any of the album tracks yet, because I haven’t ordered it!! Was waiting to read some reviews of it before ordering


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