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How big is Marie?

55 replies

Is Marie the most famous music artist in sweden?

Well for me she IS :)

Nope. Marie is definetly not the biggest artist in Sweden. Per is much, much bigger. I think the biggest female artist are Carola and Lena Ph.

about 5 foot 10 lol

5’ 10”?? :D Marie is shorter than me and I’m 5’ 8”.

167cm :)

and about 100 pounds (-;

Marie is almost as Big as I am!

Carola and Lena Ph.? Who are they?

@ Mari

I think Marie is way beyond Lena P! Hasn’t Lena been around only for some time now?

Marie might not sell as many records nowadays but fame or “status” wise speaking Marie is definitely a bigger artist.

I’d say the top-4 females in Sweden (in no particular order) would be Marie, Eva Dahlgren, Lisa Nilsson and Carola Häggvist.

world wide status, Maire is the most famous swedish female singer. well the lass from abba with blonde hair but they is no abba for a lonnngg time.

Well, all in all: Marie is/was famous all over the world. (-;

Marie is big. Äntligen sold very well!

Carola is Swedens person in ESC this year, and Lena Ph was it a few years ago.

Living outside of Sweden, I always thought Marie is the biggest singer there. But when I was there she actually wasn’t half as big as I thought. The female singers I mainly heard about were Lena, Carola and Shirley Clamp.

I wouldn’t even say Marie is the biggest Swedish singer worldwide either. You say Marie Fredriksson to someone on the street and not many people even know who she is.

that i have not thinking!!! I think always Marie is a world Star and a celebrity female Star in Sweden. In the Aftonbladet List was she Number 13 ( 100 places) from the most famous Stars in Sweden.

Per was number 2

Benny from ABBA number 20
Björn Number22
Agnetha number 47
ani-frid number 69

animalkingdom, well, Lena Ph has been around a bit more than just couple of years. Her first album was released 1986...And since 1986 she has released 15 albums.

Here’s the biggest top 4 (IMHO). 1. Carola 2. Lena Ph. 3. Marie. 4. Eva D.

Mari: you forgot Robyn. I think Robyn was more popular than Marie, at least I heard more about her in Sweden than Marie.

Sparvogamarie, nope, Robyn is not bigger artist in Sweden than Marie, Carola, Lena Ph, Eva etc...You heard Robyn more radion than Marie? Ok, of course that has nothing to do with the fact who is big artist and who doesen’t.

I didn’t say I heard more of her on the radio, I said I heard more about her. Her new album was talked about a lot and her face was everywhere, everyone was talking about her. It depends on what you measure “big” by. More album sales or more popularity. I would say popularity if you’re talking big, because Bryan Adams and Nana Mouskouri sell a lot of albums but they’re not exactly popular.

surely if an artist sells a lot of albums, that must make them popular????

Carola, Lena Phillipson, Robyn and Eva Dahlgren are only known in Sweden, and maybe in other Nordic countries like Norway and Finland.

But Marie, Agnetha Fältskog and Ani-Frid Lyngstad were part of supergroups like Roxette and ABBA, it makes a big difference. I don’t think you could find a fan of Carola outside of Sweden. But if you check sites/forums related to ABBA and Roxette you’ll realise they have worldwide fans. Sorry, for you Carola, Lena & company, but you can’t compare with Marie or the ex ABBA ladies!

Pwpbounce: Yeah...but would you really call Nana Mouskouri popular??? I mean obviously she is in the sense that she sells a lot, but it depends on how you take the word popular. Madonna hasn’t sold as much as Nana but I’d say she’s the “bigger” artist, she gets more media attention, fans, etc. Going back to the original topic, Robyn seemed much bigger than Marie because I saw and heard about her all the time, plus she’s more well known outside of Sweden as a soloartist than Marie is. I mean you could argue this point forever because it all depends on what you define as “big” or popular...and it depends on where you live. A German person would say David Hasselhoff is very popular...nobody else would :D

The only Robyn I know was the partner of Batman. And it was Robin, in fact. That singer is totally unknown for me, and for all the people out of Sweden.

In the international level, Marie or “the girl/singer of Roxette” (as sometimes they don’t remember her name) will be always more known and popular than any Robyn.

I don’t think Marie is THAT big outside of Sweden (> Europe, rest of the world, except nordic countries) as you think. She might have been when Roxette had its good years, but nowadays people I tell “Marie Fredriksson” look “O_o who?” - I have always had to add “the singer in Roxette” “oh, you mean the one that looks like Annie Lennox?” - if that’s what you call being more popular, well, then she is :D

And on the other hand, I think people (in Europe at least) know who Carola is because of Eurovision. And oh, she does have fans outside of Sweden (how she manages that don’t ask - man, I cannot stand her!)

Robyn sold a lot of records in Canada some years ago.
So she IS famous outside Scandinavia.

outside from sweden is Marie just the Roxette-Marie or Roxette-Singer.

But the Group Roxette is bigger than Carola or Lena or Robyn outside from Sweden.

Marie as Solo-Singer or as Person not, only to connection with Roxette is she famous it´s Per and Marie from Roxette.

Totally agree with you, Judith!!

But, please, don’t compare Marie with Annie Lennox. Oh god, she’s horrible...

hey Lena Philipsson released music already in the 80s...

HAHAHAHAHA good point chrashroxer!!!!

I am not comparing Marie with Annie, it’s the other people around me (work, family, friends) who mix them up! ;)

Room Service: so because you never heard of Robyn she’s not heard of anywhere outside Sweden? I live in Australia and I know who she is, especially her song “Show me love.” I hadn’t heard of Lena Ph before I went to Sweden, and I’d only heard of Carola because Marie once refused to go onstage with her (Carola is a religious fanatic and openly against homosexuality, which Marie did not approve of or so the story goes).

Wolves: yeah that’s definitely true Roxette are bigger than Lena Ph or Carola so techically speaking Marie is bigger than them. Though Zelda asked if Marie was the biggest artist in Sweden, and the answer to that is definitely no.

Jud: When I was a kid I thought Annie Lennox and Marie were the same person and the Eurythmics changed their name to Roxette because it was too hard to spell LOL!!!

Never heard from Robyn.

Carola is NOT big outside of Sweden. She said in an interview that she sold some records in cyprus och moldova or something. I don´t think any hetero-sexual person in any country outside on scandinavia knows who she is. ;-)

Is it true that she don´t like gay peoples?

sure she IS famous in Scandinavian countries not just Sweden.

Do you think both A Teens babes are “big” around the world?

@Sparvogamarie: I don’t think you’d find someone in Germany who would call David Hasselhoff a popular singer! Maybe a _former_ popular singer (he hasn’t had a hit in more than a decade!), but that’s it...

Zelda: I don’t know for sure, that was just the story that came out when Marie refused to perform at some event. I’ve never heard Marie directly comment on it. I don’t know anything about Carola except that she is very religious, maybe a Swede knows what she actually said?

Starrox: LOL! Actually he became really popular again in Australia a few months ago because a TV show here had a competition to make funny products with Hasselhoff’s face on them and it was a big hit. Then there was a whole TV special about how he was such a big singer in Germany ROFLOL what were the Germans thinking hahahaha?!!!

Any swedes here?

She said that homosexuality could be cured by praying. She appologized when she realised that a huge % of her audience/cd-buyers are gay!

but here she goes again:

Stupid hipocrite diva >:| and still some sectors of gay community make her a “gay icon” - one must be a total fanatic to adore such a fundamentalist who disaproves of their homosexuality!

“After her tenth anniversary as an artist in 1993 she changed her focus and recorded a gospel album, My tribute, which was released in Scandinavia and 12 other countries. It also made her Gospel Artist of the Year in the Netherlands 1994.” (!)

So she IS famous in Europe not just Scandinavia.

Site for her international fans:

she´s beautiful.

Nobody knows about her, in America, Carola is..., nothing here, nothing, Abba, Roxette, Ace of base,but Carola????, jaja.



But mf2004, nobody has heard of Marie Fredriksson in USA either! *sobs*

Thanks for that Judith, man what a hateful woman. Good for Marie refusing to perform with her, I wouldn’t either.

You can say what you want about Carolas personality, but as an artist she’s in my opionion one of the best. At least the best Swedish singer! Her problem is that she always have had songs that are to weak compared to her voice.

Imagine Carola singing Listen to your heart, that would be awsome!

Carolas song in ESC:
Great performance, weak song.

Overall I think that Carola is bigger in Sweden than Marie is. I’m quite sure of that.

OMG Judith - that was news to me... bloody cow!!

a bit confused.... going back to the gay thing, i thought MF was totally cool with all that as she was/is big mates with Eva and Efta??? am i wrong about this? i havent really paid much attention to Marie for about 6 years.

ahhh. im being dense arent i, you were obviously talking about that other woman.... lol. was i right about the eva and efta thing? im sure ive seen a pic of Josphin with them both at some charity concert years back.

lol Claire!! Marie is one of E&E’s best friends :D
She was at their wedding (which was very private) and yes, she was at Europride 98 which took place in Stockholm.

And yes, Josefin appeared on stage with E :) Hope it works:

@ Adde - I don’t like Carola’s voice, wants to be too perfect and I don’t like these “trembling” voices - yikes - I prefer rougher and more rockier voices. And I think she sang like a sheep at the song contest, so if that’s the big voice she has, well, not really ;)

@Judith what is with the another Pic from Josefin number 23?

LOL Claire, yes it was definitely Carola who made anti-gay comments, not Marie!!! Marie refused to appear on stage with that b**ch at an event in support of the gay community.

Yeah I remember that incident - Marie’s got such a pure soul (it radiates in her music & art) and it’s no wonder that she stands up for ALL types of love!

On the question of how big Marie is... she’s physically tiny in comparison to her HUGE pressence, heart & over-sized soul!

Im so stupid! it did seem a bit odd to me to think MF would think/say something like that

what does this mean: o_O ?

LOL Claire you’re not stupid!

Pophits: you mean this smiley o_0 ? It’s a face, it’s supposed to be two eyes with one small and one big, like when you raise one eyebrow and say “What the f***?”

ok thanks!


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