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Per's family

6 replies

It’s curious, why Per didn’t ever mentioned anything about his brother and sister? Does he have any relationsheap with them?

Hasn’t he?

I’ve heard Per talk about his brother a lot. He doesn’t say much about his sister, but she’s 16 years older than him and I imagine she wasn’t a huge part of his life growing up since she probably moved out while he was still quite young.

And what did he say? Because i didn’t hear anythung...

In the first years after Gabriel was born he also didn´t talk about him, too. Just since the Mazarin-Film 2003 came out you can sometimes see him...

I guess it´s just PRIVAT for Per... It´s not part of his “job”. I also doesn´t tell soooo much about my family when I´m in my office!

Yeah/ i see/ but it’s just interesting to know/
for exsample, i’ve seen in one topic on the other board, that one of hie nieces is merried/ i mean, he didn’t ever mentioned this point

Why should he??


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