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Per and Marie Onstage

3 replies

Hey!!! I want to know what are your thoughts and ideas on how Per and Marie used to give each other “heated” looks and were always getting close enough to one another so their bodies touched. Sometimes they would get so close they almost kissed and they were always looking at each others mouth. I noticed this on the videos but specially at concerts or live shows. It was really obvious during the first years(1985 thru 1991) and it turn more discreet afterwards.

PS: Where did I read that Per has green eyes? I’ve seen some pics where it does look like his eyes are lighter than brown. It could be my imagination.

Maybe it was all just part of the act, but you sure are right about this!

Well, if it was part of the act then they deserve an Oscar for faking those “I want you right now” looks.
I don’t think it was but we’ll never know unless they tell us (chances of that happening are slim to none). Don’t you think that Asa and Mikael were at some point jealous of this “friendship”?

PS: and what about Per’s eyes...are they green or not?

his eyes are brown


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