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is there any rox song that make you cry?

42 replies

the first time i heard “so far away” (pearls of passion version) i cried a lot. i mean, i love the version included in tourism, actually i heard that one first. but when i got to know what the original feeling of the song was, i nearly died. marie´s vocals are just great (as in all songs), she can really convey meaning through her songs. so much so, that i feel sorry for the story in the song. so lonely, so tragic. “you left me, you told me you would stay/you never said goodbye/i keep on wondering why/oh come inside me now”.
what a masterpiece. something similar happened to me when i heard “the sweet hello, the sad goodbye” and even “pearls of passion” (song), which in spite of not being a ballad, is a great song.
did something similar ever happen to you?

only Milk & Toast & Honey as it reminded me of my ex who had hated it when he first heard it but ended up loving it.and when we split up i couldnt listen to it.but that was back in 2003......

A Thing About You did sometimes as my ex had got it off the internet for me and that was the first time i heard it.i cried when i heard fading like a flower remix because somebody had been nice enough to remix a roxette song lol

actually there are many others. “i don´t want to get hurt” is a case in point. i liked the song from the very beginning. the lyrics really suit me. i used to think that song was written for me and a friend of mine who i was in love with. but nothing could ever happen between us, so i got hurt anyway.

in everything i see, you appear with me, how come? how come?/ and everything i do/involves you too/we are like one (...) but there´s no way you can tell, coz i hide it really well, so well...

so bad! if only i could turn back time and tell my friend what i felt (and still feel)...
you know, i think this is the main reason why i´m still a fan and i will always be: roxette is part of my life, per´s songs and marie´s voice have to do with me. this is something that will never happen with other artists. roxette´s songs have soul. can´t love roxette more...

How Do You Do makes me cry but for different reasons lol

i had crash boom bang on the car yesterday and my mate lee was sat next to me im completely in love with him even though he has feelings for me they arent as strong.but run to you came on and the words went right through me as i was listening to it.

this is fun. when i started this thread i thought you were going to talk about ballads and sad songs, but you´re also talking´bout uptempo ones. cool!

its not always the tempo but sometimes its just the words fit into a situation.How Do You Do isnt so bad to reduce someone to tears.

this is becoming even more interesting now. btw, i guess you now know why nothing could happen between my friend and i...

not quite on topic but i was in happy tears mode when ballad hits went in at #23 in U.K charts and when it climbed the next week to #11 i was uncontrolable lol

because you played roxette? was it a he and straight?

@david: you really are fun, i´d love to meet you someday. it´s a pity you live so far away. i´m from argentina. btw, what time is it there now? we always meet here at this time. it´s almost midday in my country now...

its around 15:53

im always down my library looking for jobs during the week so i am always on here as well at the same time to make it more fun.send me an email if you want i check them every few days or so [email protected]. am off in a min though giving my mate(yes that one)a lift to Liverpool

jajaja, yea it was and still is. he looks even better now. he was a classmate of mine in high school. and since you were talking about sizes in the off-topic section, you wouldn´t belive his size!!! (he was only 15 years old and... oh my god! i need some water to go on chating now...)

lol how big were his feet?lol i still havent found out what size feet steven gerrard has lol.anyway see ya later as have to go x

don´t know about his feet since i never looked down to find it out. i was too busy looking at that thing between his legs. i´m not joking, if only you could see that. i think not even porn stars look so good.

Maries , Everyday , made me fill up !

i love every day too. i think there´s no rox song i really dislike. i love all of them!

I got goosebumps from “what She Like”, “See Me”, MATAH.

And call me crazy: The last chorusses in How Do You Do, the bridges in “Harleys And Indians” and “Run To You”

i won´t call you crazy. all those songs give me the gooseflesh too. i love them.

actually, “see me” is wonderful. marie is the best, so if she or per are reading this: release a couple of new songs like those! please!

NB: i love It Hurts too. isnt´t it quite a true story?nobody wants to be alone (or lonely, as mr. ricky martin and c. aguilera would say...)

I used to get different emotions with Spending my time, now i can cry listening Silver Blue and Beautiful Things i meet some people that can cry with the powerfull and old rox ballads, but i always cry with Bad Moon and Tro Marie´s songs...
Roxette must comeback with some similar sing by Marie, she always put your heart and soul in the sad ballads...

Hi all,
Plenty of emotional homosexuals on here tonight! Of which I am one :) The worst part: it’s a Friday night, I have a stinking cold and haven’t left the house all day... So here I am, online.

Anywayyyy, these songs always get me:
- Every Day (“It’s strange, so strange” - You can’t make sense of it)

- What’s She Like? (“I’ve been holding on far too long” - The realisation that it’s all been waste of time)

- It Must Have Been Love... why hasn’t anyone mentioned this one so far?! The last chorus is so powerful... Gotta love a keychange :) The same applies to Spending My Time.

- Beautiful Things (“Does anybody want to hear what’s on my mind?” - When you doubt that anyone could understand)

As previously mentioned by Tavo, So Far Away is another one that gets me tearful. For me, however, it’s the simplicity of the Tourism version that pulls at my heartstrings - it just feels so honest.

You Don’t Undesrtand Me... the lyrics are really sad. And when I first listened to Salvation, I cried a lot whe Marie sings...”now I do believe in flowers on the moon...”

So Far Away (PoP) always brings a tear to my eye.

Everyday and It hurts as well. Mostly alot of Marie’s ballads, the way she sings them makes them so moving.

“2:nd Chance” almost made me brake into tears the first time I heard it!

Does it have to be Rox? Marie’s Så skimrande is emotional cos she always sang it at the end of the Äntligen concerts acapella, it reminds me of that tour.

I didn’t attend any of the Äntligen concerts but I kow exactly what you mean, Sparvöga. I have watched that song on my dvd so many times...

But getting back to the topic; “never is a long time” (tourism version) is definitely a song that makes me cry when I listen to it.

no theres not.

Yes, there is.
Things Will Never Be The Same reminds me of the passing away of a good friend.

“The First Girl On The Moon” almost makes me cry... Because I picture the girl being left by her friend (or at least, she thought that they were friends) without saying a real goodbye...

“I Call Your Name” and “So Far Away” can bring tears to my eyes, too...

Try (Just a Little Bit) makes me cry... it’s so bad! LoL

Not exactly cry, but when I’m going through a hard time for the reasons many of you have mentioned (mainly being in love with the wrong person, or, as in this case lately, being left by the person one loves), there are a bunch of songs I just have to avoid:

MATAH - it’s so very beautiful and the feelings it talks about feel so real and special, that listening to it is a free ride to depression =,(

IMHBL - yes, very typical depressing song... “Lay a whisper / on my pillow...” I wake up lonely / there’s air of silence in the bed room and all around...” “and it’s a hard winter/christmas’ day / I dream away...” those verses sum up *that* feeling.

Most of the tourism album, specially those acoustic ballads, even The heart-shaped Sea. I rather skip this album altogether! I really makes me feel sad!!

And a few more. Oh, yeah Beautiful Things (again, those feelings transcribed into lyrics and melody), I was so lucky (never listen to this after it all ends!!).

The first time I heard Listen To Your Heart, I felt very sad. But cry??? No, not realy. Only when I’m in a bad mood or very sad it could happen that I cry.

If I were a girl, WICF would make me cry

beautiful things
things will never be the same
never is a long time

yep, you´re right. those make me cry too. altough “try” is actually about relief and not getting down. and regarding wicf, i cried the first time i heard it since it was roxette´s comeback after five years. (january 4th 1999).

’Salvation’ and Tourism’s ’It must have been love’....

Sometimes I wonder who/what inspired him to write the emotional lyrics that his songs contain.
And if sometimes it is himself that are experiencing these emotions...?

Am I making sense?

@sweetcheeks: yes, it makes sense. and i have asked that question too. it is marie who sings those songs, it is her who makes us cry and fills our hearts and souls with feelings, but it is per who writes them. so, did per just make up these songs or were they based on a (personal) true story? and if the latter is the right answer, then i don´t understand. once per said that some songs are written for marie, but does he have to think like a girl does in order to write those songs? if that is so, there´s at least two songs that illustrate that: the demo version of “what´s she like?” and that of “fading like a flower”. how can a man write and sing a song like “what´s she like?” without feeling like a girl? just take a look at the lyrics... not so manly (but yet incredible)...

@tavo: Yeah, it’s kind of mind-boggling, isn’t it? It sure sends your brain into overdrive. Maybe he was capable of doing that, because being her friend, he could feel empathy with her and envision himself in ’her shoes’? I don’t know, I think he’s the only one that will be able to answer that....

Never really cried over a Rox song. But lyrics which make me think about stuff are:

The whold bridge section in What’s She Like - I love that bit. And it’s very VERY true

Everyday - Amazing song, amazing vocals from Marie.

My World My Love My Life - The first time I heard Marie sing the “high note” towards the end of the song I was like “oh WOW!!!!” I still hearing that bit

There are so many songs which I just love!

quite true. i also love “every day”, i said that before and i´ll say it again coz i still can´t believe the way marie makes me feel with that song.
i also love “my world...” actually that was the only song i really liked the first time i listened to it on the internet. do you remember? that special site that was like a countdown in which you could hear one song per day. it was just one week before the album release.

Every time that I hear Things will never be the same makes me cry.

“Go to sleep” (live Bs.As-Argentina 1995) is very sad and beautiful...


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