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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Promotion for Marie´s "My best friend"!

20 replies


Did anyone know when the promo will start? I hope very soon. And I also hope that Marie has a new hairstyle. Like 2002 or something else. Would be a great new comback I think.

Ps. The promotion for SOAP is horrible. Nobody knows about his album.

Emi suxx!

I don’t think the SOAP promo is bad, it sold good in Sweden and he goes now for the 3rd single.

Europe is another story, but that was to be expected, the album is all but commercial ;) I actually expected it worse, I’m positively surprised they even PLAY the singles here and there and interview him in main radio stations :D

Marie, I don’t expect a HUGE promo, but we’ll see :)

PS: what does her hair style have to do with anything? :P

I’m interested to hear Sommarang. Despite not knowing the Swedish lyrics I quite like the orignal - hope the arrangement is kinda the same in this instance but who knows how she will translate it musically? It would be nice for her to promote it. Maybe she could even come to the UK and promote it here :D

I don’t really care about promotion, but I just want to hear more news about our beloved Marie.

I agree with Majdy. Just wanna know that our beloved is ok, and new album time is the only time we get to know that, before 2 or 3 more years of silence.


Don’t expect in vain. I don’t see much promotion for the forthcoming Marie album. We all know she doesn’t care about sales and charts, she only records for pleasure.

By the way, I am with her. I don’t care if the album sells massively or not. All I want is to play it at home, I don’t need one million people playing the same album at the same time to feel happy.

agree :)

“I don’t need one million people playing the same
album at the same time to feel happy.”

What a freakin awesome quote!!!! That is sooooooo true!!! Why do some fans think they have failed if they don’t sell millions. I’m just glad to get something from Marie, for a few weeks we get to hear from her and find out if she’s ok, and the bonus is something new to play for a while. To add to your great quote: I also don’t need her to sell as much as Per to prove to his fans that my hero is as good as their hero.

I agree with Room Service!


@Room Service
yeah, that’s my opinion, too.
When there’s a lot of promotion–>ok, when there isn’t a lot of promotion–>it’s ok, too.

@rs; great quote, indeed!

I agree with most of what my friend RS has said, but on the other hand I also think that sale figures and success go hand in hand. If not, why is Per always going on about how much Joyride has sold over and over again? And we must agree that we love hearing that. Of course, Marie’s case is a different story. All the same, I hope it works well.

I think you’re right. It’s great to hear this.

Looking forward to hear the single on the Swedish radio.

@Room_service: brilliant words ;)

It would have been nice for her to do a signing... I would have gone but I would have needed some notice... I think she will do a signing but it will all be last minute and fans in Europe will miss out!

I can’t believe I lived in Sweden almost a year, and I was there during the “bitter reclusive years” where she didn’t do a darn thing. Now there’s art shows, book signings, TV performances, possibly album signings...and I’m back here with my kangaroos and Vegemite. D’oh!

Australia should be banned for the Vegemite!! ;)

Hmmm... just occurred to me that Marie mentioned awhile back that she was writing in Swedish... but these are covers... could there be another album in the works (getting greedy now!)? Would be great!

Sweden should be banned for pickled herrings! Hmm, actually the mustard ones are not too bad. Just put some Vegemite on them and they’re fine ;)

Oooh good point Roxtexanet!!!! She did say that!! More Marie albums! Though you know what Marie is like...we’ll likely see it 2010.


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