The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
The Daily Roxette discussions forum has been closed. The forum is only available as a read-only archive.

ultimate Roxette & related forum

12 replies

I forgot to add: please take some time to register & vote on the link above - it would be cool to get some sort of neutral opinion of the forums! Thanx everone!!

Hey, thanks Purps!! Cool!!

The website which the forum is linked to is by the way.............:-))

Oi why only 2 votes in the poll... surely there’s more than two fans frequenting these sites; thanx for the guys who took the time to register sofar - hoping to see more of ya soon!! :)

Some more votes needed!!


Hey everyone, we need WAY more contributions - it would really be cool if you can take just a little bit of time to vote!! Comments will ofcourse be compiled & given to webmasters for future reference when it comes to updating! By doing this you will be making your life a little easier in the future!

Have a nice day everyone!!

Everyone can go to the forum by the links of ;)

Good luck Purple!!!!!!! :D

OK, so the link posted here isn’t enough then? :)


I just voted! You feel better now? ;-P

I prefer The Daily Roxette ;)


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