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If you could interview Per or Marie....

20 replies

....what would you ask them? Is there anything you really wanted to know and you could ask in person? And you could ask anything at long as it’s clean of course ;)

Hmm..I’m very curious about the simple things in life ...when do they get up in the weekdays? Who brings the kids to school...what do they have for breakfast, how their kids handle the popularity of their parents....but that would maybe end up in a boring interview for I wouldn’t ask too much of such banal things. :)
Of course I would like to get some more infos about Maries cover-Album right now and why Per wants to record in the middle of nowhere in Skåne again

My question for Roxette would be:

Why are Roxette fans so loyal? What do you do to keep them for so many years?

“Per, would you divorce Asa to marry me?”

“Marie, would you teach me how to sing?”

LOL Deborah! If I could interview Marie I’d probably only want to ask things she wouldn’t want to answer...about her illness and so on. I’d really like to ask why she chose to withdraw from the public and what was going through her mind when she made that decision?

Im inclined to agree with Debora about Per. Id also like to ask him about the general process he goes thru when writing a song, since they ARE the best songs in the world. I’d also ask if he realises he has the ABSOLUTE sexiest voice there ever was - EVER, lol. As for Marie, I’d ask how she managed to keep such a great figure for so long, as well as how does it feel to b a great singer for practically the best band in recorded music history.

You will do an interview to her as reporter of TDR? :D


Not that we are aware of. There is no other interview with Per or Marie planned for the next weeks.

I think Marie (Davis) started this just for fun and.. because she’s interested?

This is a little difficult for me to answer because of a couple of things:

A) Don’t know them enough to make “small talk”.
B) Reporters ask them all kinds of questions, so the standards are pretty dull...

Spar: I could probably hazard a guess on the “withdrawing from the public”. This is an EXTREME guess, don’t none of you goofs take this as gospel. I live in Utah, I’m no where NEAR a place I could get this information o_O

When one is plauged by an illness such as cancer, everyone has different reactions.

Dana Reeve (wife of Christopher Reeve aka Superman, both are since deceased) chose to go public with hers because she wanted to expose the effects of second-hand smoke on people as well as possibly stave off incorrect information being circulated in the press.

Marie may have chosen to “withdraw” from public eye because of the fact that she wanted to focus on returning to health. She could have also been down right terrified of what COULD happen and dealing with some zealous fans may have proven too difficult. She strikes me as an immensely private person, letting us see the barest hint of who she is (save for performances), and that letting in the “whole world” could have overwhelmed her. Not to mention the stresses it would have placed on the family. It sounds like, from another topic, that her daughter is “tired of public life” and just wants to be a “normal” kid.

Which means no one bothering mom for autographs. That, and she’s just sneaking into the teenaged years. ANGST AND REBELLION ABOUND! ;o)

Seriously though... that’s just a guess.

I will ask both to Per and Marie:

Why you seem to be stuck in the 60’s? LOL

I wonder if this sudden nostalgia has something to do with their age. You know, the crisis of the 50’s, haha.

i will ask to Marie: is Per your brother?Or...are you engaged?To Per:is true the story about the student of Mineapolis who brought The Look to radio stations??Clever questions,i don’t waste my opportunity.

Who said I was interviewing them?? That’d be way cool...but no unless they’re comin to Australia, it’d be a long distance interview for sure....

Oooh I had another thought....what if you could give them a truth serum and they HAD to answer you truthfully? Then I’d have to ask if they really, really know...together. Teehee!

Spooks: Yeah your reasons are all valid, and I could think of a million more: maybe she’s a bit scared of the public, maybe she’s angry at the public for being nosy (she pretty much said as much on the docu), maybe she feels it’s none of anyone’s business, maybe she wanted to get out of the public eye for a long time and the cancer gave her a good excuse.... I’d just like to hear it from her, what was in her mind, did she do it for negative reasons ie, she was upset with the public attitude, or was it just as simple as she wanted privacy?

Well, I was thinking about it and there are lots of more interesting things to ask them about, for example:

What is your opinion about abortion?

What do you think about George Bush?

Marie, Josefin is almost an adolescent, What do you think about drugs among young people? Are you afraid about it? How do you and your husband talk about drugs with her?

What do you think about clonation? Do you agree with it? Why or why not?

Per, if you could come back in time, what would you change? What would you do that you didn’t and now you regret about it?

What is your opinion about Greenpeace work? How do you educate your children about taking care of the earth?

I will some others questions.

Um, you’re not interviewing Bono...?

LOL Tev! Actually Debora those are interesting questions. You might get some good answers from Marie, but I have an interview with Per where he said he doesn’t like to talk about that stuff because he’s an artist and he just makes pop songs to make people happy, not save the world. I agree with him but it’s still interesting to hear other’s opinions on stuff like that.

Spar: Yeah, I agree with that. There were probably a million and 1 reasons she dropped out. But hey... she IS feeling better :o)

I have only 2 Questions:

1: What happened to Cooper
2: When will he be releasing the COY Remixes

No, just Marie or/and Per. I’m not interested about what Bono could say, we already know it!

And yes, probably Per doesn’t like to talk about these things because he’s just a musician, but it would be interesting to know what he thinks about world situation. Of course I don’t pretend he saves the world... let’s Superman do that! Or Bono... :)

i think i might discuss the meaning of beer with them ;-)

Vix: ooh Marie would be your best friend if you had that conversation with her!


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