Platinum Joyride Record
erinla said on April 13, 2006 02:38:
I have an actual Platinum Record that is autograhped and issued by the Recording Industry of America for 1 million in sales for Joyride. I won it 14 years ago in an auction that was benefiting AIDS organizations. I have no interest in selling it, but I was wondering if anyone knew how much it might be worth.
erinla said on April 13, 2006 07:57:
Thanks. I thought it was probably worth about that much. Not that I would ever sell it :).
per_mson said on April 13, 2006 08:25:
No, that I would never do either! :) Especially not if you’d won it as you did! :-))
ally77 said on April 13, 2006 19:39:
Wow that is the kind of thing I would pay big money for if I won the Lottery!
erinla said on April 14, 2006 21:22:
I would be happy to show you some pictures if someone could tell me how and where to post them.
mihnea27 said on April 16, 2006 16:11:
Please email me at [email protected], I will put them on a website and post the link here.
per_mson said on April 13, 2006 07:49:
Hard to say... but if you put it up on Ebay I don’t think an unrealistic end price could reach $250-$450, depending on how lucky you are. Don’t take those prices 100% serious though, cause I could be wrong. I’m just thinking of how much other awards ended on. :-)