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PerAttaq: Keep DJ video top10

2 replies

Spain promo seems to have started quite poorly and looks like it wont really lift... we need international fan support if we want create some awareness around the plumber.

Below is a link to top music radio station website with Top10 videos...please view it as many times as possible...the more hits, the higher it climbs..i believe we really only one TDR-reader to click and view (note there are ads -RBK- prior to video) so that we get a good result.

CHoose your speed (BAJA-slow or ALTA-fast) >>
Click VER need Media Player

Thanks fellow soapers!

**Edit: spelling mistake
**Edit2: Direct Link

I hope the spanish fans are keeping the international fans up-to-date about what to do to lift the soap-promotion in Spain....

we should do our impression is that EMI Spain are saving a budget for Roxette20 instead of SOAP...


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