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What Can You Remember?

21 replies

Strange question but in light of a recent events and after too much wine I was discussing with someone on here (who shall remane nameless) on what I could / we could remember from the days of Roxette those early days....

Like can you recite Roxette interviews from videos or TV because you have watched them all the time…

Do you know just how to pause a certain video to spot something in it that is significant (this one was the baby bump of Marie in Fingertips 93) ….

Just how obsessed where you when you where a fan in those early days….

What is the daftest thing you have done or remember, how did you learn Roxette songs? Did you dance in your bedroom with the hairbrush pretending to be Marie or play air guitar thinking you could be the next Per!

Strange dreams… I won’t tell mine there may be children reading! Lol

I used to write silly non-sense drawings at school during the lessons when I was bored.... when I became a Rox fan I started writing ’Roxette - the best’ and after that ’Roxette, bäst i världen’.... on thousands of pieces of paper!

Ally, I think you know my answers to those questions. I think I’ll reply when I’m not so drunk!! Oops.

When I was at school I used to write on all my folders Remember Roxette Rulz!! Lol!!

I planned on forming a pop/rock band (in the style of a duo) named Swede (after Roxette’s Swedish background, of course) ... wrote a song called “Don’t Bore Us - Get to the Chorus!” ... created a make-believe album (text only) based on the same format as Tourism ... and other bandname ideas were “Gessle Again” (as if to say “Guess again”), and “Rox”.

Oh the things we do...

Well me and Paul laughed on Sunday night about how we could recite almost all the interview from the Joyride Video.... particular the bit about the recording of The Big L, and the bit with Marie in the stuido mocking the teenage girl... its creepy cause I’ve not watched that for ages...

Anyone want a hamburger! lol

lol@ ally i know all the worlds to that too, i still get goosebumps at the start of that with the shots of Stockholm etc.

i used to write on all school stuff with rox related stuff and in swedish. i was always known at school as the girl who liked roxette, even last week a boy in my year went to my sister in a pub and said are you Claires sister, does she still like roxette

now i dont really go on about them to many people only i we talking about music, i sometimes even cringe when i give out this email address to important people lol but i love em still really.

“Hi, this is Marie, and this is Per and we are Roxette and you can phone in and talk to us on 0080333000 and we’ll be back after this break”

That is something I should not know. I haven’t watched it for ages. Does anyone wanna check it for me??

Another thing I did with my “fake band” was made a covers album - sung in Swedish... We were going to cover 3 songs (each) by Per, Marie, and Gyllene Tider. Even the Swedish national anthem! :-S

@pwbbounce: you know that interview can often be downloaded at the hub. if you want it i can send it to you.

my memory: obsessively listening to American Top 40 (with Shadow Stevens) as FLAF made its way to no. 2

Yeah, I’ve got it on the DVD. Just can’t be bothered to go and get it and put it on!! Feelin lazy today!!

but the full australian radio broadcast on dvd?!?!?

oh no, thought you just meant the bit was is on the DVD!!!

If you could send me the full thing, that would be cool!!! Thanks

ok. i thought i had it on my computer but can’t find it. i will transfer it back tomorrow - tis night time here.

Okay. Thanks!!

Oh cool and Paul can send it too me....

Yeah my cringe moment was on the bus to school, I was always a walkman person.... you would not seperate from my headphones and walkman on the way to school, coming home (still like that now but it’s coming / going from to work!)

I use to play it loud and hope people could overhear the Swedish lyrics... and think “What the hell is she listening to” ....

I also use to do the writing on school bags, books, mostly it would be “Jag Alskar Per!” :)

I used to draw on everything black and white squares (like C!B!B!!) and even I found a T-Shirt like a formula 1 flag.

Ally77: “Did you dance in your bedroom with the hairbrush pretending to be Marie or play air guitar thinking you could be the next Per!”

Oh yes I did!!!!! LOL. And I did put my plush toys (teddy bears, pets and stuff) in the window as the crowd and fans and I did sing to them.

lol.... :)

I see myself in your lines

I used to write silly non-sense drawings at school during the lessons when I was bored.... when I became a Rox fan I started writing ’Roxette - the best’ - roxlad

i was always known at school as the girl who liked roxette - Claire

I didn’t hear or see any interviews of them in at least my first 10 years of being a fan. But I had many interviews from newspapers. And they were all over my room like all the other posters - every single Rox detail that I had was visible, hehe. So I knew them all by heart and I used to read the funniest of them whenever I was feeling down, and it made me laugh.
Then, there were some TV stations that used to play few videos (3 or 4, sometimes 5) in a row between other shows. And they were played in the same order every time. So, I knew when it was a video from Roxette comming based on videos before it. But I didn’t know will they ’make it’ to Roxette - will they play 3, 4 or 5 videos. And I would almost cry when they would interrupt before them. :(

I also remember bying a cassette of Live in Zurich concert and hearing Marie actually talk for the first time, when she yelled “Gutten aben Zurich” (sorry I don’t speak German). I started crying. I also cried the whole first ever live appearence I caught on TV, some 3 or 4 years after I became a fan. My mom thought I was crazy. Yeah, I was totaly obsessed.... And I have so many nice memories... But this post is already long enough...

Yes were -and seem to still be- obsessed.

I really think it´s fun to like Roxette! It´s such an enjoyable band. But I also think the majority of fans should worry about get a real life!!

Just my opinion after watching and analyzing Roxette fan-base around the world.


LoL, maybe a little bit, yes. But not like before. :) But as for ’get a life’ thing you are not right, at least in my case. I don’t know how I do it but I have a nice long relationship (might even get married this year), regularly visiting family, hanging out with my friends, partying every weekend, working as a DJ (I also have a radio show), watching and reading SciFi, as well as being a member of SciFi community here.... Oh, and I used to teach dancing but I recently stopped....

Sorry for this huge OT but I had to prove that even when someone loves something more than maybe he/she should be, he/she can still have a life. :D

Maybe I wouldn’t be so obsessed if I ever saw them live or met them... Or maybe I still would.


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