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TITS & ASS studios

9 replies

Where did he find a name like that?!

Perhaps he had a thing for them when he was a young teen! lol

She’s my little rock ’n’ roll
My tits and ass with soul baby
She’s my little rock ’n’ roll...

It’s The Rolling Stones song.

I haven’t known that Roxette borrowed the name from The Rolling Stones.

nice knowing this now. ;-)

It’s a common expression so I doubt it’s taken from the Stones.

I am sure Per did not just have a thing for Tits and Asses as a teen! I am sure he still does! ;-) Well for his wife’s anyways..

... and Anders’! ;)

tevensso, Per told on very old interview that T&A is taken form RS song :) I actually didn’t even know there’s RS with T&A before I read the interview.



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