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Zero Promotion in Spain?

19 replies

Well, I haven‘t listened to the single anywhere yet. Will someone apart from the people reading this forums know the existence of this record? I hope so.

What record are you talking about?
If it’s about the Son Of A Plumber, I guess we should expect to listen to something from when Per visits Spain, and in the fornt page they said it would be April 5th.´re right. Currently, there is zero promotion in Spain of Soap of a Plumber... I think none of the major spanish radio stations has played the song yet...Just a nice promotional web page, which is not advertised in the principal Emi Odeon Spain principle site. I thought they were posting posters in the main streets of the city, to let the web page be known, but nothing of that exists.

Meanwhile, I don´t think that one-day Per´s visit to Spain will make any effect to let his new album be known, specially if he is not interviewed by music publications, but a few press agencies or papers. And yes, I think he will be in los 40 principales, the major music radio station here in Spain, but this won´t work unless Emi Odeon put money in order the song gets airplay.

Therefore, when I did I mistake telling that the album has been released on 6th march, I wasn´t far from the reality that SOAP will live in this country...a country that seem to have forgotten Roxette or “the wizard of European pop-music”, as the Spanish SOAP site defines Per Gessle.

I agree with Santi, i guess that soap will start getting airplayed in mayor spanish radio stations next week, and maybe some spanish newspapers publish something about pers visit to spain, lets wait and see what happends.

Well, tomorrow is the day. I hope we´ll have some information then. I wonder why Germany had the presence of Per Gessle a lot earlier than Spain even though here the sales began a month earlier??

His choice on where to go.

Where exactly will be Per? Will it be posible to see him anywhere in Madrid? Is it sure that there won’t be albums signing or something similar for the fans?

Per will be doing promotion (radio + newspaper interviews) tomorrow in Madrid, as far as I heard, he’ll have a nice welcome in Spain :)

No promotion in Spain...? The Spanish press just got an world-exclusive revealing Marie’s plans for a solo album... seems Per ain’t ignoring the Spanish afterall!!

Nice news... am surprised he told it first, would have expected Marie to announce it...

I hope we´ll start to listen anything in the radiostations. Nothing yet, though......

Today, one of the most well knows Spanish newspaper, ABC, had not one but two Roxette references. At the very end of the newspaper there was a small reference to the fact that Roxette is releasing a Greatest Hits during the year (including a small picture). On thurdays there is also a small magazine called “Urbana 7” (Urban 7) for free with this newspaper (at least in my city, Seville), and there was a review to the Son of a Plumber album. It was the recommended album of the week with 4 stars out of 5. If you all want I can scan it and post it somewhere.
Finally, on the day SOAP was released there was a small review of it in a news channel all the Seville buses have. It had three still pictures of Per talking about the album. I think someone from that news agency should be a fan, because there were no promotion at all for this channel to know about the release.
So please, stop saying it doesn’t have promotion in our country. Bye!

When I say I´d like to see some promotion in this country, I mean I´d like to “listen” some promotion in this country. All the rest (I´ve seen an article in the newspaper “Qué”), well, I don´t know how useful could it be.

I’d like the record to actually be released in the UK ;-)

I read all the articles i´ve seen qnd most of them are reproductions of the one in europa pess - except for the one in Qué
but I find that this one was full of errors in it and smetimes the sentences in it didnt maked any sense

I just wonder - what about the rest of Europe? Is there happening anything, like do radio stations play any Son Of A Plumber song?

Well seems South Africa will release the album on the 18th... ! Nothing else promo-wise sofar!

I don´t want to be banned but, one week after Per visited Spain and, well, nothing. I have heard nowhere any song. I´m starting to be very worried about this (well, not so worried, you know, it´s not my job :D )

I don’t see it personally, but 2 friends that know I’m fan said me that they saw hey mr dj on 40 tv on digital +, and they listened the song on kiss fm. It’s not a great promotion but at least...

Brolin i’ve also heard that the song has been played in kiss fm. Let’s hope it starts to get airplayed everywhere.


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