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Where can we listen to the Remixes of Mr. DJ??

26 replies

Does anyone know?

You can buy the CD at for example. Click one of the banners on the left side ;)

I brought them at the weekend from iTunes. They had them in the UK store. Very surprised!

itunes.. cool! :)

I got it from there too! :)

itunes really does not like my computer...

How a person living in US can get them ????

Thinking... ;-)

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.


I guess this posts here about buying the CD is only for Europeans.

So it can’t be applied to all of us here, just like the friend ttmo.

As we know, people like him or me, can’t go to and buy the CD there ’cause they do not ship outside the EU, Germany or Scandinavia. Addicionally, iTunes USA doesn’t have the remixes.

I guess there’s no way to listen to or get them without having someone giving the files to us or downloading it online somewhere.

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

Try As far as I know, that one does ship to the States?

They ship to the US as well:

I think he meant where he can download a super duper ultra illegal copy of the remixes

@ttmo: I hope the links that Sasha & colinvdbel posted will help you.

@Sasha & colinvdbel: I got the remixes from a friend. But thanks a lot for the links. I really appreciate the kindness. :-)

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

I used


itunes doesnt let you play (or maybe just me) them anywhere put your comp and mp3 player, i want the remixes aswell :-((((((
so if someone wants to email them to me, i wont say a word lol

I visit to and their download section would not be so bad I think, hehe ;)

Oh wow!!!
That is why I love the rox community!! :-) Found it!

ebay where you find it ? i must be thick cos i cant see it ?:-S

Try this link here:

;-) Enjoy!!!! Yay!!

Sorry, that didn’t work. Click that link and enter the site and then click onto the download section.

Let me know if that worked for ya.

Yay! Dancing to the Remixes here! ;-)

ow ye got it , just a wee bit slow to open up for me :-D , there great reminds me of shooting star remixs off RS singles which i loved. Not just need to find away to download them :-S

There is always a way. :-)

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

Doesn’t work for me; site under construction.

I got them from Sony download.... :)

Is this link still working for some of you?

Not working for me.. :-(
Could it be removed because the files were not really legal?

maybe a try to the piratebay

on some forum...


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