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V For Vendetta

20 replies

Great film!!

Anyone else seem it?

Hugo Weaving and Natalie Portman are excellent :-)

I saw that. Great movie! I love the part where they kept V’s identity as a secret. I think this movie is fit with the world situation right now. It’s not really my type of movie, but I still enjoy that as entertainment only.

I’ve not seen it yet, but I do want to!

If you want to know how the world will turn out within the next 5 - 10 years, this movie is it.

If people don’t get their acts together and start stringing the leaders of their countries up by their testicles (real or imagined), this movie will become a reality.

its funny how a movie made by corporate honchos and hollywood execs has peopel thinking baout how the wolrd will be, the world will endup like that because everyone has left their fate in other peoples hands and they have noone else to blame but themselves

Coy: I’ve been taking a VERY pro-active stance in how MY life will turn out. There’s a lot I know I can’t control, and that’s because someone else thinks that the person they helped to put in office is the “best person” for us all.

Take a look around the United States and tell me you think that George W. Bush is the “best” for you.

How a “C” student ever made it in politics baffles me at times, and then I remember some of the “dirty secrets” behind it and it doesn’t surprise me much any more.

The most constructive alternative for anyone who believes George W. Bush is making her or his life miserable is to commit suicide immediately. That will solve that.

The Vendetta in France right now is interesting, all those young folks rioting against laws which would allow a company not to keep them employed. A paying job, as we know from the Bible, is a God-given right. It is society’s duty to employ people, because everyone needs a paying job in order to buy cell phones and blackberries and stay constantly in touch.

Greedy business employers, wholly misguided, seem to think the workers to whom they pay money should provide some sort of value in return for those wages – and that is just a sickening concept. People in my town pay lots of Mexican illegal aliens money to not mow their lawns, so that the laborers won’t conduct a Vendetta against them. THAT is true justice. France can learn a lot from that sort of thing.

Oldag: Why don’t you follow your own advice for once? Do us ALL a favour, hell I’ll even buy you the rope, the pills, the bullets, the ******* knife, WHAT EVER YOU WANT TO KILL YOURSELF WITH, I WILL BUY.

And after you die... I will drink a bottle in your honour and then piss on your grave in gratitude for making the world less crowded by one person.

bugger me i only wanted to discuss the film, looks like i’ve started a bloody political debate!

well count me out of that one ppls cos i just can’t be doing with politics!

Went to go see it tonight for the second time, took my step-dad with me. He enjoyed the film and both of us will own it when it comes out on DVD. We both like Hugo Weaving.

i liked weaving and portman, although i think it wouldve been better if portman didnt attempt an english accent ;-) will own it on dvd also cos its cool, hopefuly gonna go and see it again.

spooky they tried to impeach clinto for a blowjob ..ABLOWJOB, you have a man who has sent us to war, ruined our economy, made us the ire of the world and neithe rparty nor and large group of outspoken americans has even tried to do anything so you have to really wonder.....Hugo’s the man but after the horrid matrix sequels I don’t think he’s worth 12 dollars for a theater visit :)

They didn’t try... they succeeded Coy. There had to be a certain percentage for part of it, but there was like only a 49 - 51% vote, and subsequently, Clinton was not removed from office. But he was impeached.

You have to love leftists – they’re all so compassionate, so tolerant, so inclusive and diverse, so psychologically secure and reasonable, so kind, gracious and magnanimous, so calm and peaceful... really nice folks to be around.

Don’t know the film and haven’t seen it of course. But just for the record:

In France you can go to the hospital and get cured without going bankrupt -> That is justice.

I saw v for vendette when it first came out, i have to say i found it very itelligent movie which are rare with all the remakes around , with alot of issues being brought up in the film that happens everyday around the world and why they happen. i would deff go and see it again, i recommend this film for people with brains and a heart :-)

“. . .although i think it wouldve been better if portman didnt attempt an english accent. . .” My sentiments as well. It was a bit spotty.

I loved seeing Stephen Fry, though.

I would think that the film would have more of an impact in the UK, Guy Fawkes being so crucial to the plot.

I thought it was okay. Nothing I need to see a second time.

i think its the underlying issues in the film that everyone seems to be missing :-S

Saw it saturday evening, loved it :)

It will be in my collection for sure on DVD

:-D glad some could see the movie for what it was.


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