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expressen didnt reported

11 replies

we all know hw bad Expressen treated Marie but I wonder Aftonbladet has reported about their comeback but not a sign in expressen not even a short review of the press statement weird

Yeah, that’s true!!

I guess they have their right to ignore them if they want so as much as MArie has the right to keep her privacy.

But does it really matter? Aftonbladet reported about it, TDR and SOAP as well as lots of media outside of Sweden.

I say good, then Rox fans don’t waste their money buying that s**t. I always say, if you want news read Aftonbladet, if you want to wipe your ass, Expressen is for you.

Wich newspaper has the most viewers? So, wich one is bigger? Aftonbladet or Expressen?

Well, if Expressen is so bad, maybe Expressen readers would be the ones who would buy yet another Roxette Greatest Hits compilation just right after they released 2 compilations 3 years ago, apart from some rox-fan... 8-)
So maybe it’s not that good for Roxette that they now ignore “everything Marie”...

I think they reported about the BMI awards in London. Maybe their silence now is just a coincidence... And I think there is a much bigger market for the GH than you think. Probably only 1/5 of the potential buyers got TBH/TPH. Not all people instantly jump from the sofa and run to the next cd store when something is released. Many people buy CDs very seldomly. It’s all the matter of a good lead single, strong promotion and the right timing!

They did several big reports when Marie made her Change comeback, so I’m guessing Expressen will report when it actually happens. Don’t worry Santi, when Rox do something it will be such big news in Sweden the Expressen readers will hear about it even if it’s not reported ;) So someone other than us Rox fans will buy it...though I’m banging my head against the wall at the thought of owning ANOTHER Rox greatest hits....

They are both shit news papers. It just happened to be Expressen this time who was the bad one. The next time I am sure you can expect the same from Aftonbladet.

Expressen reminds me of The Sun!

I gotta agree on that with per_mson. They are both tabloids...


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