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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Heard/saw/read about SOAP???

16 replies

Have you already heard about soap?
I thought it would be nice to have this topic about SOAP for the very small newsbits, like:

Belgium Radio2 picked “hey mister DJ”, it is in their airplay now, and you can listen to it on their site!

Heard Jo-Anna says on our national pop-music channel (DRS3) a few times.

nothing in the newspapers / magazines so far.

The 21st of March EMI Netherlands registered!

Maybe they are going to make such a page as

As for EMI UK, they are still sat on the fence....

I’ve sent an e-mail to EMI NL about the registered domain.

The answer: There ís going to happen something, just keep on looking to
They forwarded my mail to the product manager of SOAP, who maybe can tell me more..

They were also interested in how i found their mailadress :-P

There’s an interview with Per on a swiss charts website. He’s the “featured artist” of the week. It’s in German, but maybe someone will translate bits of it (maybe I will do it later...).

here I ask once again: anybody knowing anything at all about WHERE (or IF) “DJ” video is shown??? Is it happening at least on MTV Nordic? C’mon people, say something, this is quite important!!!!!

if it was released in the uk with some promotion, with the current musical climate, im sure it could do well. but then again i dont work for emi uk...

Heard that Per will probably be in the Netherlands for 2 or 3 days of promotion round the 22th of april. Album will be released april 3.


havent hear it on radio im in the US hope it will be released here would be awsome............. but i doubt it we americans would probably just find it strange to listen to that stuff

@Stevier: Wauw! That would be great! Where did you hear that?

Belgium radio2 also broadcasted an interview on saturday.

and today there’s an 3/4 page article in Metro (only the flemish one)

which you can read online here:

the albume review is here (only 2 out of 5 =( ):

here’s also the interview of Per on Radio Donna:


hey, he said on radio donna that roxette won’t tour again EVER because Marie doesn’t feel like...
and that they booked the AGM for June...nice...

and he was strange when saying that EMI people were the ones remembering them about roxette “20”...

and helena is definitely getting a biiiig help from the Plum to break through this October! Hallelujah!

I don’t know about you, but to me it seemed that per wasn’t (over)-thrilled about all this roxette-thing; it’s ok with me anyway. long live Son of a Plumber!

I think he forgot about us on the little island...

Max-Tob, that’s quite strange as most of the other interviews (not that there’s been that many) seem to be quite positive and optimistic?!

i don’t think he was pessimistic or anything, he was ok, he seemed reasonable, it is just that he didn’t seem over-thrilled (as I used to think, after reading so many comments&threads&articles about this new rox enthousiasm). once again, it’s fine with me, just wanted to share what i sensed.

on one of the biggest commercial radio stations in Switzerland (Radio Argovia), SOAP is the “album of the week”, got a great review, they played snippets of about 7 or 8 songs!


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