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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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the question begs

42 replies

Sparvogamarie, with all my respect, you really think they hanged digital handycams to the ceiling especially for this concert? And managed to automatically focus, zoom and pan with them? ;) No concert hall uses digital cameras like you have in your home to capture concerts, even if they are to be broadcasted through the web.

so per is hinting at a release for unplugged finaly, so the question begs, is it gonna be the entire set or just the televised stuff? And is it just a dvd or dual dics dvd/audio which I would totally KILL for

I hope Per change his mind!!Who wants the mtv unplugged on dvd,for God’s sake!!!It’s a very old recording,a very old show.And stupid idea!
Make a new one if you want and record it on dvd.A new one with songs as WICF,M&T&H,Beautiful things,Anyone,Try,etc.But NOT an sooo old recording!
Release one show of the Room Service tour in DVD!That’s tour has been fantastic!!!
I’m a Rox fan & Collector since the 1989.But i’m not be able to buy and MTV’s unplugged DVD!!!I think it’s terribly stupid.
I want new songs. not the classics 1992 songs.It sucks.

I want a decent Unplugged DVD, I don’t think it’s stupid.

@coyboyusa the dual-disc idea is not bad at all! I never bought one... though, are they any good? I mean Long lasting....

I think all major Roxette concerts should be released in decent quality on DVD, it’s logical. Those unofficial laserdisc rips are nice, for those who can get them, but they are unofficial. When you buy such a DVD, P&M don’t receive anything of that, which is unfair. MTV Unplugged is such a lovely concert, and if it will be released complete, with additional material, interviews, etc, I personally would buy it undoubtfully. And, frankly, I don’t understand why MTV Unplugged is going to be released instead of a new album/concert? If there’ll be a new decent concert recorded, I doubt it will be kept unreleased in favour of MTV Unplugged ;)

I want everything to be released on DVD! MTV unplugged would be great on DVD! :)


I don’t understand why you consider it’s stupid. You said it’s an old recording. That’s not a valid reason. Old movies, like Casablanca shouldn’t be released on DVD either, because they are old (and much older than the MTV Unplugged, by the way). Another example is ABBA The Movie: it was shoot in 1977 but finally available on DVD last year. And it won a Swedish Grammy for Best DVD! Regarding a new MTV Unplugged, I don’t think that’s possible. Roxette is not suitable for MTV anymore. They only have crap these days, Roxette is not appealing for their current public.

Room Service Tour on DVD? Bleh... That tour was so lame, I can live without it. I would prefer Zürich or Johannesburg on DVD instead. Older shows, I know. But they were a million times better than the weak RS Tour.

I hope the MTV show is going to be released soon. I have it on unofficial DVD, but it’s not the same. Personally, I don’t mind if M & P receive anything or not. But the quality of those is not as good as an official and original DVD.

The whole RS tour can’t be lame... Crush On You was nice (In Brussels, for instance). You don’t understand me. The Big L. was fun. Maybe there could be a compilation DVD with live videos from different ages. Something rare, something old, something new. Roxette - The Live Hits ;)

Although it might be old, that’s no reason not to release it, It is probably one of the best shows they’ve done. I’d love to see either some old behind-the-scenes interviews or a new one recalling the show etc.

Hopefully all their other live shows will be released on DVD, and maybe with some new stuff as well.

I really hate not having any Roxette shows on DVD, especially when every other artist has released so many.

I’d love a RS tour video, it was an awesome tour. But when will fans get over the fact that A ROOM SERVICE CONCERT WAS NEVER RECORDED SO IT’S PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO MAKE A DVD! There’s only the poor quality net broadcast from Sthlm.

But there are audio recordings for sure (fading like a flower - Brussels is even released. A CD would do for me too!

I also hope for a good dvd of the Unplugged.. meaning with all songs! :)

RS tour.. I don’t need it necessarily - specially because I already have the showcase in Barcelona which was great - but if there is place for it.. why not..

Hehe... this is the beauty of us fans - we can never get to a consensus about ANYTHING! LOL! I would be happy with whatever they decide to release but would most certainly enjoy the ENTIRE Unplugged show- it’s a classic & the songs versions are super gorgeous!!






Someone ain’t capable of reading... but it’s fine; wait and see!

@ Poliwhatever

First of all it’s from 1993 ;)


@ substitute

I am very much looking forward to the DVD! I had it on tape but lost it...and that was probably ten years ago. I believe it’s available for download somewhere but really can’t be bothered. Bad quality etc.

Secondly, haven’t we been into the RS tour DVD like a thousand times already? No proper material for a high-quality DVD.

I would love to have a dvd with the umplugged instead of that old vhs recorded from another copy with a really crap quality.

@ Sparvogamarie: 3 entire concerts from the Room Service Tour were recorded in high quality.


So, what’s the problem? For me it would be nice.

In my opinion,i think it’s a stupid idea release the MTV unplugged on DVD.Just my opinion.Maybe the best seller DVD in 2006??We’ll see.Surely the fans are going crazy to buy it!

On the whole, it doesn’t really matter to the general public where the material on the DVD is from. And remember, this DVD is aimed at the general public - Not us, the fans.

As long as the DVD says there are performances of The Look, Joyride and (most importantly) It Must Have Been Love, it’ll sell to those shoppers who are interested in those songs. The ’unplugged’ name gives it a bit of kudos, as much as saying “live at Wembley” might :)

It’ll be nice to have a concert on DVD. As long as it’s made with the care it deserves, it’ll be a worthy addition to any Roxette fans’ collection or for anyone who wants to find out a little more about one of Sweden’s greatest pop acts and one of the best selling acts of the late 80s/early 90s.

Sommartider:: where did you get that info? I heard from Marie and Per in an interview that they didn’t want to record any RS concert because the cameras got in the way and the venues were too small. I was at 14 shows and I never saw a camera, the only shows I missed where the early German concerts. Anyone who went to those shows see a camera crew? Love to see them if this info is true.

I’ve seen some camera crew during Moscow concert. Dunno if they were filming or not though ;)


And there’s talk of the RoxBox as well, not to mention the possibilty of releases of the older concerts as well. All up it would be quite a nice selection for a 20th anniversary.

Given that there is no confirmation of any new material to be released, i’d be more than happy with what’s been hinted at the moment.

Also as Sparvoga said, Per and Marie have said that they didn’t want cameras... and i’m pretty sure Per has even stated that NO concerts were filmed, but they do have some great audio recordings done. So there’s something else to add to the list.

If no concert was filmed, what is Stockholm 2001 I’ve downloaded recently?

I think they mean filmed especially for a DVD release, as opposed to the Stockholm concert that was filmed for a webcast

I it is easier just to record it yourself on DVD with Nero!

“If no concert was filmed, what is Stockholm 2001 I’ve downloaded recently?”

That is the internet webcast, it was filmed on poor quality digital cameras that I believe were hanging from the ceiling. I don’t know if it could be re-digitised to be slightly better quality but I don’t think it’s good enough for official release. I’m glad to have at least one memory of the show but a properly recorded concert would have been great. P & M said they didn’t want cameras, but I think the real reason is the tour wasn’t doing so well and the expense would have been too high (plus let’s face it, Rox DVDs only sell to a small market).

“it was filmed on poor quality digital cameras that I believe were hanging from the ceiling.”

In my opinion it was a professional quality recording with editing, effects, and whatever the cameras were hanging from, the final filming looks as professional as Live ISM or Crash Boom Live recordings. Maybe there were no close-up cameras on rails, otherwise it’s a fine filming. The quality is bad just because it’s a compressed webcast rip.

There’s a major difference between professional recording and a normal camera. I mean, I could record a pretty clear picture on my home video camera but that wouldn’t be the same quality level as DVD quality. It’d be cool if they managed to clean up the picture enough to do that, but I think it really needed to be recorded professionally if they’re ever going to release it officially (which from what I’ve heard isn’t going to happen because it was intended as a free internet broadcast and nothing more).

whoever does Roxette’s forthcoming DVD’s I hope they are decent, and know what they are doing.


Roxette TCC/TP&BH DVD’s Very high compression, low audio bitrate, needed to be 2 Disc Sets, missing normal versions of IMHBL & AU.

Gyllene Tider, Parkliv, Great Quality DVD but they only used 2 gig of a 4 gig DVD, wheres the extras, where’s the subtitles.

GT, Live 20th Anniversary concert, Again great quality, but where’s the Subtitles and extras.

GT, Atertaget, Subtitles, plus I believe it’s missing some footage shown in the VHS version.

Marie, Antligen live, Great DVD but where’s the subtitles, and the recording should have been widescreen.

Per, Mazarin tour, Great DVD but WAAAY over compresses, should have been 2 DVD Set. Missing subtitles.

None of these DVD’s even features Subtitles in Swedish for the hearing impared!!!

These DVD’s seem to be rushed and not handled with care, sure both Maries, and Per’s DVD’s are nice, and roxette’s have a lot of rare videos, and GT’s have great Transfers, they are just not good enough.

If they release the MTV unplugged video, it should include the WHOLE concert, including the rehearsals, and also the acoustic preformances recorded for MTV, a new remastered transfer, DD 5.1 and DTS 5.1, SUBTITLES, and some extras, and please put it over 2 Discs.



Mbroxer: do you actually read the posts properly? I didn’t say they used a handycam, I said that anyone can make a recording but you need a certain kind of camera to record DVD quality concerts, and from what I’ve heard the Sthlm concert was not recorded in decent enough quality to be released officially. It would also be a bit late, sure the fans would buy it but official releases need to appeal to the general public and I’m not sure a 5 year old concert from a band that has not been heard from for years would be a major seller. I’d love to see it, and who knows they may find a way to release the webcast one day as part of something else.

Sparvoga, you claimed in capital letters that RS tour was never recorded, which I cannot agree with. At least one show was recorded, and as I can see with my professional eye, its original picture quality is the same as any other concert recording would have, and thus it’s suitable for DVD. Perhaps the show itself was considered by Per and Marie / EMI as not good enough for a DVD release, and that is what you’ve heard, but from what I see, it has nothing to do with the original recording’s picture quality.

If they’re not prepared to do a commercial release, then why not a Bad Hair Day style release of a remastered version of the webcast. A video file and ISO so that we can burn it should we want to, of course with a nice cover as well :)

Mbroxer, i also agree that the webcast wasn’t much different to C!B!Live! in terms of the production quality, only there’s no close ups.

And this is what I was talking about, Per&Marie about no recordings for a DVD release.

As Dave said, if/when this MTV unplugged is done, it has to be done properly, unlike all their previous efforts which were good, but could’ve been alot better.

Dave, were all the discs mastered by the same company by any chance? If not, maybe its a swedish thing or otherwise an EMI thing more than likely, not prepared to pay enough for a decent job to be done :-p

Did P&M really say they didn‘t want cameras because of the small venues?? They played Martin-Schleyer-Halle or Festhalle in Germany, and it doesn‘t even take a 15.000-somewhat arena to film a concert properly (other bands already proved that!). It takes a sold-out arena to do so! So here is my guess: they were not satisfied with the ticketsales. For example: In the Martin Schleyer-Halle they had to split the arena into two halfs with a curtain because the audience was only large enough to fill one third of the hole venue. And in Frankfurt they only sold 6.000 tickets. In 1995 they sold 14.000. I guess that‘s the reason for not releasing (or even filming) a DVD. They couldn‘t film every night due to the high costs of a professionel film-team. But they also couldn‘t guarranty a sold out arena anywhere (except Globen, where they at least did the webcast), because even if the sales for one single venue were high enough, who was to guarranty that after september 11th 2001 all of the people would attend (although they already bought their tickets before)? With any concert banned on DVD they would run the risk of delivering a proof of fainting fame. But to be honest: With shitty promotion and the fresh WTC-attacks in the back, how can you expect a sold-out tour??
Please comment on those issues!! I‘m curious (and drunk btw, sorry...)!

Well, in Moscow I saw a lot of empty seats... It was a strange concert, really, it took half a show before the audience and the band “broke the ice” and developed a friendly connection. But I don’t know if that was the reason of not recording the show. I remember Per saying in Really Roxette that it is the same attitude whenever you play in front of 50,000 or 500 (or something like that).

“Sparvoga, you claimed in capital letters that RS tour was never recorded, which I cannot agree with.”

Then you really didn’t read my post, because at the end of it I did mention the webcast. Go read again.

Sparvoga, I do not tell anyone what to do, where to go and what to think, and expect the same in return :) If you claim anything basing on something you’ve heard, without a proof, it gives you a bad credit. I don’t know if this “webcast” exists in the full quality or not. I don’t claim it does. But normally video is being captured in full quality, and then it is compressed on the fly to suit the Web bandwidth. Just like on TV, even if it is a live broadcast, a copy is being recorded. And, in my opinion, the original recording was made with professional cameras. So, if the original, uncompressed video stream is not erased/lost, there is a physical possibility to release this show or its part on a DVD. So, excuse me, but I will not “go over the fact that RS tour was never recorded”, because it doesn’t seem a fact to me. I still hope to see one day P&M live from 2001 in decent quality.

“Sparvoga, I do not tell anyone what to do, where to go and what to think, and expect the same in return”

I told you to re-read my post because you seem to only read one line and make an assumption based on one line. You did the same to Sasha on the previous page and you’ve done it to me several times. I *did* mention the webcast when I said that a concert was not recorded. I was at the Sthlm show and I know that it was recorded on cameras hanging from the roof - they may have given a professional edit, but what I am trying to tell you is there is a difference between a recording and the kind of recording that is used for a DVD.

I’ll be very happy to be proven wrong on this because I’d love to see a professionally recorded RS show. But I heard from Per and Marie themselves that they did not want to record a show - their reason was that the cameras get in the way. It’s been discussed here many times and nobody seems to have gone to a concert that was recorded. And we’ve discussed many times that the Sthlm show was not recorded in the correct format for an official yes, fans need to get over it.

Sparvoga, whatever you have mentioned, you did claim in capital letters that it is physically impossible to release a RS tour recording on a DVD because the RS tour was never recorded, and you are wrong there. It may be not commercially profitable to release a RS tour recording on a DVD because it was not PROPERLY recorded for DVD, but there is an eternally huge difference between physical possibility and a political decision.

Please try to accept your mistake, and do not behave like a spoiled child by turning this into a personal matter.

Returning to the topic, I wanted to say that for me it would be great to see a DVD with a live footage selection from all of the Roxette ages, from 87 to 2006, maybe even including promo TV performances. Perhaps it could be a brand new concert with such rare live recordings as a bonus!

I could sink to your level and flame back, but I won’t. You’re boring me, I’m going to go pick a fight with Perismyhero, she’s more fun. Where the hell are Vix and Spooks anyway ;)

No Different companies made the discs. Maries was Vision 4 or something like that. All the videos and The Ballad and pop hits DVD are probably made internally by EMI, not sure about the others.



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