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Per on German TV

14 replies

Hi @ all!

On SOAP-Site is written Per will perform on German TV ( Chartbreak Hotel (? what´s that ?) Sat.1).

Does anybody know more about it ? Date, time ???

Cheers, moppi

They recorded it yesterday (i was there). But they are recording all 12 (?) episodes in these days and it is yet unknown, when Per will be on the show. I think End of April, because then the single will be released in Germany.

The show (Chartbreak Hotel) is a mixture beetween comedy and music. So they have guests performing songs and sketches (humorous). It is a new show. They only had one show in early 2005, it had good viewing figures so they now make more. However it is not a premium show.

Well, can you tell more about how the performance and interview was?
and what sort of tv-program it is? is it a family-program, a late-night program?

There was no interview. The host of the show announced Per with saying something like “Do you know what ’Flickorna pa TV2’ is? No, because you are not from Sweden. There he is famous and now he presents his english song: Per Gessle is Son of a plumber with Jo-Anna Says”.

The host read this from the autocue. While the host read that, Per lipsynced it, almost perfect (he wasn’t filmed). Then they made the song once.

Per already wanted to go, when the producer came to him and said: “great show, but that was the first run. do you know that there is a second run?”. That was quite funny I think.
Then they had to change some things and they needed some minutes (don’t know why, normally the only changed camera positions). After waiting some time, they went backstage for few minutes.
Then they made the song again.

Per had the complete band with him, except of Christoffer. According to Per he hadn’t his passport with him and couldn’t check in. That might also be one reason for playing playback.

Sort of show: It is a comedy-music-show. It will be broadcasted on Saturday after the movie (around 10pm)


Would be nice to see!

hej hej!

i have some information for you all:
the episode with per will be telecasted on the 29th of august at 22:15 (Sat.1)

well,mmmh i was there, too. what can i say... it was the greatest moment in my life. i stood less than a meter away from per in the first row. taxford did so, too. after jo-anna says i ran to per beside the stage. he gave me autographs inside the book “the look for roxette”, my soap album and on a big clean sheet which i´took with me. a woman who travelled with the band said to me i could come backstage for a few minutes. wow, that was so amazing for me. i went outside the studio with per and my sister to a other building. suddenly i stood in the middle of helena, jens, clarence and the base player! I talked with them a little bit, but i was not able to speak clearly cause i was so excited. they all gave me an autograph on the big sheet, too. my sister made a couple of photos then.
even today i cannot believe it. it is so special when you stand in front of your personal star.
i really hope to see the band again one day. they were so nice.

It’s APRIL not August.

oh sorry, thanks. i think that happened because of this long cold winter. i´m looking forward to a hot summer...:-) but i don´t work at EMI!

just right on time for the album release :)

I’m gonna record the to DVD!

Does anybody know if there will be a single of SOAP released in Germany/Austria? And if yes, which one?

Well, let me put it this way: if there are plans for a commercial release of “Jo-Anna says” before the album comes out on April 28th in Germany, then they did a really good job of keeping it a secret...

Unless the single will become a BIG hit it won’t be released as an actual disc, only digital download.

“Unless the single will become a BIG hit it won’t be released as an actual disc, only digital download”

That‘s a joke, Or? :X

Seriously, what else did you expect from a record company who claimed SOAP’s going to be released in Germany in mid 2007 last week? ::)


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