The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Mr DJ video?

5 replies

Aren’t they a week late?
Can’t wait for it, just wish they would update us more

I guess they aren’t ready yet since we’ve heard nothing about it. But, to be honest, I really can’t remember anything taking place in time around roxette world. Per’s touch (which means DELAY! DELAY! DELAY! LATE! LATE! LATE!) is everywhere haha. No, I doubt is his fault this time. It is just that the little industry around him never take things seriously for some reason. As a fan, I feel resentful at the way EMI treats him.
But then again, we don’t even know if it’s EMI’s fault. I suppose is just a mixture of unfortunate unspecific factors. As always.

I have to agree. But regarding the video Per only said he hoped it would be done last week. And we all know that Per’s hopes are a bit time-critical! :)

It was never going to be ready in a week! What was Per thinking :P But I was hoping it would be :)

I guess editing a video-clip, after shooting it, it´s a difficult work that requires some time. And personally, I prefer a good video, with all the details completed, to make it contemporary and catching. It is going to be a commercial video-clip, with more quality that the Mazarin-videos included in the Mazarin DVD (although the personal touch of Per in this home-made documentaries are invaluable for me!!!).


I’m so waiting for the video...


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