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Hey, did anyone (UK) hear radio 1....

30 replies

...this morning?? Chris Moyles making fun of ROXETTE!!

My boss was talking to me at the time, so I couldn’t catch it all, but they were comparing Listen To Your Heart with the new Embrace single (which I think is quite good as well), and then they were playing the intros of other roxette songs and being silly.

You can listen to todays show online here (it tells you it was on at 9.05) My internet is being really crappy at the mo, I can’t get it to fast forward...but when I get back in later gonna check it out! See if you guys can get it to work!

@edit to say - click on Wednesday Doh!!

Yeah, I just heard it.And I didn’t laugh! They were making fun of the lyrics, Marie’s looks, and also they apologized to Embrace they had to compare them to Per Gessle.
All I want to say is, Per & Marie gained their huge success because they are talented and exceptional, not because they suck!

Rox On!

I listen to it now. Of course it’s not very funny, they’re not being nice to Marie and Per. But in a way you can also hear that they actually like the music (or used to like some of it). They were just making fun of their accent which I can understand in a way... :)
Try to see the positive side of it: the played snippets of about 7 or 8 rox-songs, hasn’t happened for years on Radio 1 maybe ;)

I think you could tell they liked ’em. There was a moment when the DJ was like there’s so many that he recognized. “Bril” was also used as a description. I think it was a good thing overall. They made fun but it wasnt really nasty.
I think the sorry about comparing to per gessle was slightly jokish too. I found it slightly amusing ! Good to see they had the album even if it was scratched. :)

I am forced to listen to radio 1 as it is on at work and I can tell you the kind of crap that they normally play. These people wouldn’t know a good song if they fell over it.They are in no position to judge Roxette. The phrase “Casting Pearls Before Swine’ springs to mind.

the sad reality is, Radio 1 used to love Roxette but as they are now not trendy enough for them its deemed ok for the new crop of DJ’s ( i use this term loosely) to make fun of anything they are told is uncool.
i suspect chris moyles has a couple pf roxette cds in his collection but is too embaressed to admit it.

Awww they want realplayer to listen to it, oh well. And i really wanted to have a listen.

I actually thought it was fun. Also, who the hell gets most of thier hits read out on Radio 1, with a snippet from three or four of them played. They also mentioned the album title.

I think that if Roxette’s promo team were worth their salt, they would have capitalised on this and made something more of it with Chris Moyles and his team...a la Matthew Freud and all of his clients a few years ago...

such an opportunity.

They should send Chris a specifically-made album that has “Don’t Bore Us - Get To The Chorus Roxette’s Greatest Hits for Chis”

Okay, it sounds cheesy, but that’s the sort of stuff that wins you brownie points in the old world of PR.

Ho hum.

Well, yes, I must say I really liked it as well! It was fun! Yes, they laughed and had fun with the songs but they also said that Roxette were great and the woman on the show told them to continue playing It must have been love.. lol They played snipplets of a lot of songs.. even though their CD player didn’t really work with some of the songs.. It was fun! :-) We shouldn’t take it too serious, this is great promo for Roxette! :-)

By the way: this short conversation between the radio1-djs might explain a little bit why Roxette haven’t been successful in the UK for years: they pointed out that Roxette’s (esp. Marie’s) Swedish accent is sometimes quite strong. They were making fun of here singing “lay a whisper on my pilloooowww, leave the winter on the grooouuund”. And everybody knows that it’s very difficult for non-English speaking bands to be successful in the UK charts. They have to be almost perfect, one mustn’t be able to distinguish an accent.
I don’t know if this is really a good reason for their lack of success, but I could well imagine. Of course, also promo was bad (or even inexistent)...

i sent him a email just explaining a few things, and asked why has trouble with his english ? BTW i heard MTATAH at my big morrisons supermarket the other day and half way into the song it got turned up even higher on the system ! ! lol

can´t you make an mp3 of it I cant find it

You don’t seem to get it . It’s the Swedish accent that gives Roxette their unique sound.Why would you want them to pretend that they are not Swedish? It is nothing to be ashamed of.

I think it’s quite strange to hear these people mocking Marie’s accent... I can’t hear their accents at all when they sing (except in a very small number of places maybe, like in “Listen To Your Heart” perhaps... but only if I listen really carefully). And as a Canadian, I can understand THEM a lot more easily when they speak than most Aussies, Scots, Brits, and Irish people!!

Ever wonder why most people - no matter how they speak themselves - claim not to hear an accent in others’ singing? Like Sharleen Spiteri... she’s Scottish, I don’t hear her accent when she sings on Texas songs, but neither do Scots! ... How is that possible? Any psycholinguists among us? Okay I’ve gone off topic... (-:

Making fun of Marie’s accent? I mean, while she’s singing? I can say she ’struggles’ through some interviews but otherwise... Ha ha ha.

Radio 1 folks haven’t been onto the British praised ABBA?

Now, there are vocals whose Swedish accents are more than C L E A R .

well, if anyone knows how to mp3 it, my pod will love them forever as I thought it was funny!

It reminded me of how Ray Cokes (remember him?) used to take the piss out of roxette all the time, but the things he said were things that fans would know, so you knew really that he was a fan...

@ rox-kuryliw .... my morrison’s play that track all the time... I think its a standard disc that gets sent to all the stores....

I am just listening now...

For anyone that’s interested here’s a link to an mp3 i made up of it.

I wish the aussie stations would do somthing like this, i haven’t heard a rox song for ages.

ally77 more reasons to shop at morrisons LOL

Do you rememeber Dolores of the Cranberries? She always sung with a really strong Irish accent but still, they were huge worldwide.. :-)
And I must say, when you hear a Roxette song, you do not immediately think: ’Oh god, that’s a swedish accent!’

rox-kuryliw 3/14/2006 10:35 new

ally77 more reasons to shop at Morrisons LOL

LOL, I never thought of that..... you can’t beat it, wouldn’t work there again, tried it twice... but can’t beat there offers and prices!

Thanx Mate.

Hey Rob they play Rox all the time here in Adelaide. Mostly on MIX and Triple M, but also SA FM.



I want to go to Adelaide sometime, maybe next year to see some family... they did invite me over back in 2000 I am just a little late on taking up the offer! lol

Cheers! My pod will be happy to have that!! :)

You’re welcome any time, right now it’s great, we’ve got the fringe, Adelaide Festival of Arts and the Womadelaide, Adelaides got a great festival vibe this time of year.

So where the Bloody hell are ya ! :)


P.S. After listening to it, I thought the whole thing was mostly positive. I agree though some one should send them a unscratched copy of DBUGTTTC


@eBay: You are SO right about that! I hadn’t even thought about Delores, there are some songs where I have no idea what she’s saying and the lyrics are handwritten in the book and illegible!

Looking forward to her solo album in any case...

Hey RobS can you upload it somewhere else so we can d/l!!

The Metro rates the Embrace song as 3/5 claiming it is Coldplay emulated and has an intro “pinched from Roxette’s Listen To Your heart”

The link still works?? if you can’t download from there, i can send to your email if you like.

Oh is Dolores releasing a solo album? I was not aware of that and I am living in Ireland! lol


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