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Swedish version of "It Must Have Been Love"

11 replies

The Swedish singer Shirley Clamp has made a Swedish version of “It Must Have Been Love”. The lyrics are written by Ingela “Pling” Forsman. Shirley Clamp will give out/has given out an album where she sings old songs in her own way.
“Per Gessle knows and has said okey, I’m so satisfied with it.” she says in the Ulla magazine from the store Gekås. (in Swedish)
Page 11.

Ummmmmmmmmm I wonder what it sounds like...

@ally: Probably not as good as the original... (-;

where can we hear it?

Hmm odd.
It says the album will be released in the middle of February.
But there’s no new album from her at CDOn, however, Feb 1st she released a new single.

Not from an upcoming album though, it was the title song from the album she released in late April last year.

The album will be out in the end of April!

Will this cover be a single?

And how IMHBL titled in Swedish?

Shirley Clamp - Do They Know It’s Christmas

So it is in English?

No, it’s a Swedish language version.

And the title certainly isn’t “Do They Know It’s Christmas”. I think Stranger meant the cover of the song from 1984 that she also made.


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