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per gessle

12 replies

Per sometimes chats in Aftonbladet, if he does some when in the future.. we’ll report about it, so as they said above, keep on checking the sites for news :P

please who want to help me
how can i do for chatting live with per gessle
let me know

You can’t!
But you can go to and go to the “ask Per” section. There he answers questions (now and then at least).

Visit, visit “Ask Per” section, read through the questions that have already been asked, write your personal question down, send it and waaaaaaaaiiiiiittttt.... ;-) That’s all we can tell you. Check the news section from time to time if there is an announcement for a live chat somewhere. Keep patience! :-)

oomph, one tiny minute too late :-P

But he ain’t answered any questions since the 3rd February so I think that went down the pan!

might be the man is busy with SOAP International launching, or on holidays or whatever :)

hi all i know that i can answer a question to per on sonofaplumber site but it’s for talking with him live

hi again
you say for going to the aftonbladet site
but that is in sweeds
and i don’t know sweden

i dont think he’s there every day ;-)

Well he should be, he should have his own office.... I mean it ain’t far from where he lives!

Thinking of it a web chat would be nice its not happened for a while...

Can we say “stalker”?

hi again
thank you all for answer me but
tell me more over the live chat
with per

There is no “live chat”. That’s it. ;-)


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