The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Roxette in Canadian daily

8 replies

I love Per´s blond hair!! Great pic, thank you! Is it from 1999?... what a cute photo.

Little article that appeared earlier this year in a Canadian free magazine thingie... cool to see something in print!

Nice. :)

very nice, and a great picture as well :-D

Wow! What a great pix! Marie looked great in there :)

Nice little report.. :-)
What I never understand is, why Roxette never gets more recognition in the music world. I mean, they are now reported to have sold more than 75 million records.. there are other artists out there that when they reach 20 or 30 million, everybody thinks it is amazing.. 75 million is proof how great Roxette really is..

Sorry if I am talking a lot of shite today.. am too hungover to think straight.. ha ha..

Ehm... wasn’t that a fall in the bathroom v the kitchen? Or should I just go back to bed?

No spookster, you are right.. it was in the bathroom. ;-) Dont go back to bed, stay here!! :-)


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