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Plumber in progress #1

33 replies

So has anyone heard it it? Where, where can i listen to a sample?

Somebody help!!!!!

p/s: thanks.

What do you mean?

The Son of a plumber CD? It is allready out you can get it at Ebay or or cdwow.

You mean the b-side of HMDJ. Well I think the single has to be released first..

fabian, I think also it will still take a little time....;-)

it seems like u can download it at CDON downloads now

Sadly just if you are Swedish...

So sweet to hear Gabriel singing along on Substitute. And Glad to hear he changed the lyrics to Burned Out Heart from “blue blue hope/heart”.

Only for Swedes? Not! Or then I’m Swedish :D

I think it can be edited to the nordic countries ;)


Well, since the single has not been released yet and it’s a 30 second snippet, i will post here the link to my site where you can download the snippet of Plumber in Progress #1.


Take care!
SOAP on!
Carlos E., New York.

Oh thanks Roxrider! Was hoping somebody might do that ! :)

The whole song is avaliable for buy, not just the snippet. But it’s DRM .wmv file.

it´s so qute!

@Mari Ok, then I mean if you don’t live in Scandinavia. I’m from Switzerland ;)

I can’t read swedish, but still i got the downloading page but then i would have to create an account and that threw me off cause i wouldn’t be able to understand what they were telling me to do. I also don’t know if people living outside scandinavia, like me, can buy the digital download.

So i can’t have the whole song. Unless someone who can read swedish is willing to download it and share it. If not, we gotta stay with the snippet.

Take care!
SOAP on!
Carlos E., New York

@tcooh: What do you mean by “but” ?

Carlos E., New York.

“But” means that the file is share protected.

@Tev: Thanks!

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

Wow, thanks!!!

DRM = Digital Rights Management = File use is restricted e.g. can only play on one PC/Device, Can’t Burn, or only burn limited amount of times, can’t convert to another format, can’t use any player, usually sh*t quality, etc etc...


About DRM: And that they expect people to pay money for?! Only to be able to play it on one place. Very nice! ;) It is strange that it is always people who are trying to be honest who should be punished with such s**t. No wonder people are copying as much as they do!!

Thank you for the link :)

These files you’re allowed to burn the song onto cd at least 3 times, maybe more, haven’t checked. There are ways around it for those who desperately will try that. As for the whole limits player unit for such files, norwegian consumer rights organisations has filed complaints, and police reports that it’s illegal according to norwegian law. Especially Itunes has horrible conditions, they seem to have altered them a bit durign the last week from what I’ve heard. But I don’t use that, so I don’t know. As far as quality, I guess it’s alright. I’m not technical genious, nor a well trained ear, but I guess it’s hard to make excellent quality from Per’s home recordings also, hehe ;)

The single was released a couple of days ago, right? Has anyone bought it? Which tracks feature on PiP1? Is it nice to listen to or just interesting? Best wishes from Rich ;-)

Subsitute (with Gabriel as backing vocalist)
Hey Mr Dj
Kurt - the fastest plumber in the west
Waltz for Woody
I have a party in my head
Burned Out Heart
Double headed Elvis

(no full songs, just like a verse and a chorus of each)

Waltz For Woody??Not in mine.

I think it is really fun to hear these little pieces of privacy. You know.. that’s how I feel about this. It feels like we are allowed to visit Per in his home while recording these snippets and songs. Great! The part I like the most is ofcourse Substitute, with Gabriels backing vocals. And Per seems to adapt his singing so that the kid can sing along. So sweet.

There’s also some slight changes in the lyrics here and there. For instance he sings “got a blue blue heart” instead of “got a burned out heart”...

the best is still waking up inside a closet in a tree, or so it went ;). REALLY lovely to release pearls like these, don’t need to say I treeasure some demos more than final songs :o)

Can one that Song anywhere full download?

CDON has it. But only in some countries. Germany is one of them I think, luckily for you.

waking up inside a closet in a tree - brilliant line ;) Just love the man’s sense of humour ;)

The song is available in Germany for download at the online music shops of saturn/mediamarkt/freenet (and more branded copies of the same system). Not yet on musicload. Prices: 0,99-1,29 €

no one has uploaded the whole song til now? unbelievable.... :(

maybe someone did, but then it would have been deleted because everyone in the world can get this song LEGALLY!
Never heard about i-tunes cd-on etcetera etcetera?


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