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Old Videos....

7 replies

It’s been ages since I actually watch an old Roxette video, and so have been playing them this afternoon and evening... have a kind of look back and clear up....

Its seems strange watching them it must have been years since I watched them....

I think I’d feel the same, I don’t remember when was the last time I watched their videos! It must have been 2001 when All videos ever made + more was out!

Per’s hair is a scream...

yeah but it brings back so many memories.

Yeah I aslo recently pulled out the DVD’s ... man, Marie’s still got that Diva thing going eventhough the video might have dated!! ... and I seriously CAN relate with Per’s hair! LOL!

everytime i watch FLAF i always get that same feeling.....’these two are brilliant!!’ i love the bit with per and his rickenbacker in the tower of the stadtshuset(correct me if im wrong on the name). it’s so good........i love sweden!

Haven’t watch any of their videos this year. I left all my collecton in Indonesia :P

Per is sooooo cute whit that hairdo... =D


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