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"The Change" vs "Son Of A Plumber"

23 replies

i love Marie & Per.But i prefer The Change obviously!

Hi, folks!

Let me know what do you guys think about these albums compared to each other... From my point of view, it looks like “The Change” is musically correct... that’s just Marie’s voice at its best, with a beautiful music together...

How about “Son Of A Plumber”? I must admit that it’s a “outside” point of view, since I didn’t listen to it (!?!?!?), and I guess I never will... But my first impression is that it’s kinda “strange”... just take a look at the tracklist, where we can read titles like these: “Drowning in Wonderful Thoughts About Her”, “Kurt – The Fastest Plumber in the West” or “I Never Quite Got Over the Fact That The Beatles Broke Up” (titles too much long for my taste). It looks like it’s a very “experimental” CD.

I can’t imagine, just looking at the tracklist, a way to Per perform those songs live in a regular way... It looks like more a “theatrical” performance, as that Roger Waters show “The Wall - Live In Berlin”...

SOAP is pure Gessle... The Change is Marie with her husband tagging along.

Unfortunatly, this will probably end up being a tedious ’marie vs. per’ thread...

I prefer Marie for ever. There is nothing to compare.

The last time I remember such a comparison back in 1997, when there were I En Tid Som Var and The World According To Gessle... Marie’s album was sweet and tender but made me so sleepy I couldn’t resist switching to popping out of speakers pop of so ambitions at that time Mr. Gessle. It was impossible to mix Kix with Berusa Mig, and it showed so clear how different are P&M. However the reason I’m telling this is that it’s rather funny to see how history repeats itself, but the other way round. Now we have somewhat noisy The Change with loud tracks like All You Gotta Do Is Feel on one side, and soft, gentle Something Happened Today on the other. No matter how P&M change, the only thing stays the same - they are very different.

@mbroxer: You are so right!

It would hardly be fair to compare the two albums. Per and Marie have different styles and influences. I like both albums for different reasons.

Comparing these two albums is practically not possible and one shouldn’t do it!

Agree with Klein

anyway, i dont listen to the change at all, and i do listen to soap every day.

i know it inside out, have heard it 200 times or more :) and it’s still counting! :)

I prefer the project, where both work together.... called “Roxette” :-) :-D

2 very different albums, chalk and cheese. if mixed you get a great roxette album thats what i think.

JimPhelps you must have typed yours as i was writing mine lol, i think alot think that.

I didn´t like those albums. I think there are a few good songs in each one...

I have listened Soap last week and I like it in the way I liked The Change. You can listen them a week or two, no more.

In some way, Im happy Roxette is not doing anything yet. If there is some new Roxette stuff this year, I hope it doesn´t sound like Soap or The Change...

@alexandre100: how can you compare two albums when you haven’t listened to one of them???

By the way, in my opinion, the titles of Son Of A Plumber sound really interesting, for instance, Drowning In Wonderful Thoughts About Her.

this is like comparing pizza (from Pizza Hut - hi Tev! ;) with chocolate!

(note: two of my fave “meals” :P)


As I wrote, it’s an “outside” point of view, just based at the tracklist, and I asked to the people to compare those albums (since I’m not able to do it). If you pay a little attention to my post, you’ll notice that I didn’t compare them, actually... I just thought it could be a cool discussion...

“No matter how P&M change, the only thing stays the same - they are very different.”

Another thing that stays the same: they are very good.

Agree with Judith, it’s really hard to compare such different things, and agree with Zargo that The Change is just MF with Micke tagging along LOL!

The Change is not Marie’s best work by any stretch of the imagination, so it’s hard to make any comparison to anything. I guess one similarity that I could find is that both albums are extremely personal to each artist, and they’ve both tried some new and kinda weird stuff, experimenting and so on. Both albums say “To hell with charts I just did what I wanted.”

both are 2 different things. one is Marie and one is Gessle. You can’t compare it at all.
Althrough I would always prefer Marie’s music ! :-) The Chance is so special and SOAP is Per’s wish which became true.

@sparvogamarie: you are so right with saying “to hell with charts!” ! :-) haha

I love SOAP and I like TC...
They are different and have different meanings and we can’t compare but for my taste (=excluding Mikael Bolyos) I prefer SOAP, ’cos it’s just pure Per Gessle, TC is not pure Marie Fredriksson but Marie Bolyos.. :-/

Agree BadMoon, it was Marie Bolyos! I hope we see Marie Fredriksson again one day *sighs*

I finally got my SOAP CD so I can answer this topic properly. Actually I did find the two similar - not musically but for the fact that they have both done some very different and unusual styles that we have not heard from them before. They’re both very personal but in different ways. Marie’s illness and relationships are personal to her, while Per’s love affair with 60’s music seems very close to his heart. Both have also done a lot of “old fashioned” stuff on these albums. Another similarity is that both albums need more than one listen to grow on you. With both on the first listen I thought “What the f—?!!!”

The thing about ’The Change’ for me is, that I actually love all of the songs that are written by Marie. After I listened to the album a few times, I checked the booklet and only realized then that the songs I didn’t like the most were written or co-written by her husband. I think I prefer SOAP, but if The Change would hjave been written 100% by Marie, I think I would prefer hers...
But then again, you can’t compare the albums, as they are just sooo different to each other. Marie could never write songs with Per’s sound and Per could never get the feel into his songs that Marie has got in hers..


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