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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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fair to say......

2 replies

i think it’s fair to say that roxette’s become a bit of an underground following. i’ve come across loads of people who like them. with the way the music scene has progressed/digressed, i think any worthy band is pushed to the side, and then develops a sturdy following in the undercurrent of the music industry. just a random thought.......

any thoughts us roxers?


with this being said......i think the SOAP album(*fingers crossed* us release) or any future roxette will do well as long as the word gets out about it!!!

I like things that have an underground following, I don’t like it when they get too popular - somehow it takes the fun away. I feel like this at the moment about the Rasmus - its less fun now that everyone knows them here in the UK.

My experience is that alot of people don’t realize that they know Rox songs...when I play them they always go “oooh, I know that one - I didn’t know it was Roxette” I find that quite amusing.

I would prefer it if they had a few more releases in the UK, but I would still want them to be a bit less popular, as the fans that they have at the moment have been around a long time, are very dedicated & fun, and I like it like that.

good point klair! i get the same thing people don’t realize who their listening too. i’m glad to hear this isn’t an isolated US thing. the UK is quite a hub for the european music’d think it would be a little more artist friendly.....



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