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Why do I love "...that Beatles broke up"

18 replies

Man, I can stop listening to this strange, misterious and lovely. I specially like the final part of the song when Per sings loudly “In the summertimeeeeeeeee, ohhh ohhh, that´s meee”.

By the way, I think it´s a song that sound to “AIR”, french electronic group which I love.

Good done Per. Nobody can tell you that you are always writting the same style of music. Absolutly inspiring.

A lot of people love this song... Strange one I think.

I really love this one! Per sounds so sweet

This song is the best of the album for me!!And one of the best and my fave on the whole Per career!!
I really love this one!Soooo touching!

It’s also my fave of the album, together with I have a party in my head and I like it like that.

It’s definately in my top 5 from SOAP. I found it great that the chorus is the bridge from C’mon. Can’t stop playing it.

yep, it’s the best on the album... so not a too hard quesion to answer ;)

Don´t like it... such a great title, such a boring song... one of the worst in the album in my humble opinion. But, it´s great that you guys like it.

Absolutely love it.

I think it’s probably one of the few songs on the album that I loved the first time I listened to it, which to me says it’s a great song.

I love this song, too!

It’s got a wonderfull atmosphere. Feels like flying.

It’s a song with wich I really can jump into another world for 4 minutes. Yeah, there’s a lot of Air inside...
And this time I am really happy with Helenas voice.

La lala la
La lala la...


PS: but I still didn’t find the connection between the lyrics and the title

either do I. Great song! I prefer ’In The Summertime’ :)

my second fave on the album, it’s magical..

@BadMoon - Good way to describe it! :)

How magical is Helena’s way of saying “turned”!

incredible introduction, nanananaaaaaaaaaa, wow, i love that song.

This song is GREEAAAT!

It’s also my #1 on the album. Fantastic song. I don’t like the title though.

@pascal - I really like the’s a part of its magical... ;)

I don’t get the title??

Oh I love that song!!!! It has a strange title, it could have been “in the summertime...”. I really love that freshness, the air in it. I always put up the volume when the middle part starts with hearing the waves of sea and the seagulls laughing, ... then I‘m always drifting away...

Really great song, and definetly one of my faves from SOAP!!


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