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Video of Per [in case you missed it]

21 replies

that was great, thanks.

Thanx!!! :0)

My knowledge of the Swedish language is ridiculous. However I wonder about Per’s dialect. I think I heard him use the Skansk “r” consonant during the interview above. Is that possible? Or is Skansk that similar to Hallandsk?

ditroia - can you tell you recorded it from TV or ripped webbtv? if a webbtv, then what tool did you use?

Used Firefox [Doesn’t seem to work in IE], opened the link to Web Tv then right clicked on properties copied the link and pasted into flashget, downloaded the whole show, [nearly 400 meg].

Opened up Windows Movie Maker in XP, import video [its already a wmv file], make sure “make clips” is ticked. then once the video has been split into clips put the ones you want together in order on the timeline, then right click and press combine, which makes it one file of just the segment you want. then save clip, [best quality] that might take a while, and thats it.

make sure you have the latest WMV codecs.



P.S. Send me links to any other SOAP videos and I will try to do the same.


@ditroia: Thanks a lot for taking the time to prepare this file for us. :-)

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

no problemo


I can’t extract the video. I have downloaded the zipped file, but when I wanna extract the video, I get an error message and I can’t go on. What happened?

video looks so clean and good quality...and i can even understand more or less what is being said!

the only thing that i find pathetic is Per checking out some of the could see he was really posing for the camera! :)

I can’t extract it either nor at home or the office.

Any chance of mailing it: [email protected]

Or reupload it?

Or maybe is an upgrade ofb the extractor?


For some reason I couldn’t extract it in WinRar or WinZip but it worked in 7Zip.
Anyway, I’ve just re-uploaded the video only so you’ll get it now.

Thanks to Dave for sharing.

Thank you dave :)

BTW, @Dave: another SOAP link, well, from yesterday:


First there is an interview with Per at about 62.20 and the performance of “Jo-Anna Says” 7 minutes later.

Thanx all of you!!!

You rox!

Here is the video from Per at tv huset

And here the short interview from the show.

What´s with the the Tv3 Video?

Thanks for the links, Shine.

Oh yes, about the TV3 video I would be also curious. I think they don’t even have Web TV, at least I haven’t found it for now, so let’s hope someone will come up with a recording soon.

thanx for the links shine. We rox fans are a sharing bunch :)


Yes!!! We love to share!! It’s just really amazing and kind of us all! :-)

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

Thank you!!!!


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