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SOAP and DualDisc

5 replies

I was just wondering if EMI/Per wanted to recreate the feeling of having A and B sides on a CD like an old record, why didn’t they use a DualDisc having two cd sides instead of a cd and a dvd side?

What do you guys think of this new DualDisc thing anyway? I’m not sure id this should be off-topic or not!

I think a dual-disc for just 2 songs (one on each side), would be a little ridiculous. And it would increase the price too much. It’s better this way, keep the single as cheap as possible!

Aren’t they 24 songs?

LOL, I thought he was talking about the CD single! I don’t mind: dual-disc, double CD. I prefer the double CD. I think it’s easier to handle. But I am not totally sure, since I don’t have any dual-disc, I have never seen one.

Well, dual isnt that practical, cuz you can’t put a lot of information on the side. However, it would be nice for a future single release: some artist have one side with the audiotracks, and the other side as a DVD with a videoclip and some bonus material.

I don’t like the idea. I’d rather have a nice pic/artwork on the top and have a second disc.


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