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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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TV4 Show

44 replies

Do we know yet if Marie will appear on TV4, I do hope so....

Don’t forget people can register and hopefully view the show online, if of course it happens!

they say she will, but not sure if it will be a reportage about the exhibition, if Marie will be in it.. or an interview or what :S so I guess we’ll have to wait and see!

Ohhhhhhhhh roll on Saturday! :)

Yeah, they didn’t mention the word “interview” in the trailer so... It is going to be a suprise if she appear in the sofa.

Wow, yeah more than a surprise, wonderful! :)

Can’t wait to see her again !!! (-:


please!!!!! could anyone record this show and later put it into internet? unfortunately many fans as me do not know swedish and can not register at tv4, and could you help?

Even if you know swedish it’s difficult to register becoause they have some technical problems with their site at the moment. Hope they solve them... But I think you can watch at least parts of the show on web-tv for a longer time - but I don’t know if you get to see the whole show or just parts of it - and if so, which parts.
Maybe they don’t want to show us Marie?!
So, it really would be great if someone could record it and put it on the net

It might just be because a lot of people have registered over the past 24 hours, try again, it’s really quite easy to register:

A guide to register....

Förenamn: First Name
Efternamn: Surname
epost: Email
kön: Kvinna = Female / man = Man
Användarnamn: Username (choose your own)
Lösenord: Password (choose your own)
Bekräfta Lösen: Confirm Password (confirm)
Födelsedatum: Date of Birth yyyy - mm - dd
Postnummer: Postal Code
Land: Country (annat land = other country)

i will try to register again, and if i will, at what time will this show be???

ally: somehow I know this guide ;)

Thanx again Judith! :) just helping out these smalltalkers! lol

It’s a pre-recorded interview from the gallery :)

I saw a 2 minute-mini interview at the news 1 hour ago.

You can watch it by yourselves here:!!&test=6

(Copy the whole URL, and choose “Open URL” in Windows Media Player :) )

The mini-interview starts at 17:09...

Thanx Tobban! :) will have a look now!

At the end of the Report they say something from a long intervie on satur day I didn´understand the time?

The time is quarter past ten, 10:15 ;)

And yes, its a long interview :)

added info on front page :D


am floating, first all this about Marie; then Per recommends TDR ;)

Oh wow, it’s excellent, you get to see the art and everything, and Marie looks so wonderful! :)

Hope that we can see it later at web Tv!

Will it be on Roxbytes?

I don’t see the form to register. This is very complicated...

Is there anyone who knows how to record a stream and put it online? I tried to watch today but it drove me insane, stopping every 30 seconds to buffer!!!

I hope we can see the Saturday interview online again soon! I never got a chance!

Yes, the only chance for us abroad is that someone will record it and put it online somewhere! From it is not possible anymore to see this interview from nyheter...

I’ve seen it now, it’s good! :)

Many thanx, Tobben, for the link! And it’s actually downloadable too, at least with FlashGet! :) (It directs you to download the stream mms://!28160,W4L!.wmv) Then you are able to have those 2 minutes of the interview in really nice quality (well, the downloaded file actually includes some more of TV4’s webcast than just Nyheter from Friday night and Marie’s 2 minutes interview there, it’s actually as big as 300 MB with 40 minutes run time, but anyway of course it can be cut afterwards to just the bit one wants to keep, btw Marie’s interview there starts at 27:52)! :) Now, if only there would be a corresponding link to the webcast of the whole interview from Nyhetsmorgon on Saturday morning, so that one could download it too directly from TV4’s site, now that would be a dream... :P (Which also has me curious, Tobben, how did you “figure out” that link to the 2 minutes interview?... If only there was the chance to figure out the one of the webcast of Nyhetsmorgon too... :P BTW the interview is already available to watch again on TV4’s site and indeed apparently there’s no need to register previously, or at least I tried and was able to watch it without having registered...)

Also it has been posted on R2R’s forum ( a rapidshare link to download a .wmv of the 2 minutes interview in nice quality too -> :) Thanx Sire74 for having found that one (and to whoever made it and shared it too)! :)

It was a pleasure, sweepe!
And also thanx to the one who shared it!!!

The link to download the Nyhetsmorgon program including the interview with Marie is:


But how can WMV be edited? I’ve been always told it’s not possible.

windows movie maker

Thanks KixBE, I’ll give it a try when I get the file. Right now I have some difficulties downloading it; in FlashGet it seems to take memory and in NetTransport it gets incomplete at the end. Hopefully I can get it complete after a lot of tries; LOL!

Oh no, I just found out Windows Movie Maker is not for Win98. Any other suggestions? Please write me privately (email in my profile) so that we wouldn’t put it too off-topic here; LOL!

Thank you so much, Mary, for the new link!!! :D Then again, though, and assuming that that downloadable stream link was “figured out” from the “play URL” of Nyhetsmorgon (, I do wonder whether this other “play URL” (this links to view only Marie’s interview not the complete Nyhetsmorgon program, you can find it in the Intervju section within Nyhetsmorgon) results in the same stream link, or (perhaps one directing to download a smaller .wmv file maybe, which, to be the case, might be useful, cos 1.4 GB may be quite a huge download for fans having slower connections)?... And then I still go on wondering, how do you people get to “figure out” those downloadable stream links?... I certainly do would love to share of your “know how”... :) (There are actually other couple of streams that I’d love to get from TV4’s site, but I just haven’t got a clue about how to get to the corresponding downloadable links... Some special program required, or?...)

As for cutting .wmv files, hmm, I myself did it with the Windows Media File Editor which is a util that comes with Windows Media Encoder... I had never tried to cut any .wmv file before either, but apparently it worked this way too. (Yet thanx for the tip, KixBE, about Windows Movie Maker, I never used this program before either, think I just will do my try, for cutting the new .wmv file from Nyhetsmorgon...) Though, back to Windows Media Encoder, hmm, I use the 9 Series version, which is also for XP; there’s version 7.1 which can be used for Win98, though I don’t know whether it includes too that Windows Media File Editor util which comes with the 9 Series version, and then I don’t know either whether the version 7.1 can deal with files encoded in Windows Media Video 8 and Windows Media Audio 9 which is the case of this .wmv file from Nyhetsmorgon... But perhaps you can have a look here hopefully it may be helpful?... I’m sorry I can’t be of greater help myself, but I’m not so much familiar with computer and video stuff... :/

On R2R’s forum has also been posted a link to download a .wmv file of Marie’s interview at Nyhetsmorgon (only the interview already):

Thanx to roxflower for that! :)

@sweepi: You can use the programm url snooper to get the links.

I always get the direct links by opening an ASX file that gets saved in Temporary Internet Files when you open the page first; the direct link is shown in the file properties in Windows Media Player or you can simply open the ASX in any text processor to find it out as well.
Thanks for the other video link; I’ll check it out. And I already have the interview only.

You can also get the link when you use the firefox browser, make a click on the player with the right mouse button and than chose characteristics (over statistics) in the apearing window.

Thank you so much, to both, for the precious tips! :)

I got to see this at last over the weekend!

I’ve just watched the interview once again. I stop counting how many times I’ve watched it hehehe And every time I feel so excited to see Marie shining and smiling :D The bad days are really over!!! And now one can feel that Marie has really come back!!! She obviously enjoys being in the spotlight again.

Thankyou Sweepi for the link!!!! You’re an angel. And huge thanks to whoever it was that uploaded the interview to that site!!!!

Is there a transcript of the interview somewhere that i have missed??
It’s really great to see Marie chatting away... but i can’t understand a word!!

No one??

I only made a summary of the show in German - but I know that someone (Judith, I think) trnslated the summary to English.
So you can search for it on R2R-forum. I don’t have enough time at the moment but maybe I’ll write a translation of the whole interview some day.

Thanks for the info Lurirox :-)


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