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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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singning sessions

28 replies

now we know signing sessions in Stockholm and Gothenburg but what about Halmstad

I guess they would have announced it if there was a signing session in any other town..

No we’re withholding the date in Halmstad to make Ted explode...

@Ted: Do you really need more autographs? Why not keep the records new and shiny instead of destroying them with an autograph? They are not worth anything. It exists millions of them!!

Signing sessions according to
24/11/2005 at Bengans in Gothenburg, at 17:00 CET
25/11/2005 at Åhlens City in Stockholm at 17:30 CET.

@tev: You’re so evil! *LMAO*

Awww Ted... :) they are only joking I am sure Per will do something in Halmstad... keep fingers and toes crossed!!!!

Mr G, I am mad... could you not do anything on 1st December in Stockholm, little concert would be so good....

grrr. was sposed to be going to stockholm the 24th-28th but have postponed til after xmas :(

Well, perhaps Ted just want to meet Gessle, which I guess most of you here haven’t got enough of eyet.

And yes, signed records are a bit boring when you have a few of them, anyway the new album signed at the releasedate perhaps would be something to keep in the shelf.

Ted REALLY wants to meet Gessle, he has all his stuff signed already. It’s of course OK, but sometimes enough is enough eh?

I just find it weird if he does not sign in Halmstad

:) The list isn’t yet complete, so who knows what Santa brings.

Does somebody knows how long a signing session usually is?
I´ve been on some before, but I don´t remember the time.

30-60 min maybe.

BTW: Funny to see the whole SOAP-page in english and the note about the signing session in swedish..

It´s not good.

Do they think that only kids wants to be there?
The most of adult working people can´t be there at 16 00.


or 2 hours!

Well, we figured that the ones that aren’t from Sweden and want to go to the signings are crazed out fans that have learned Swedish. I’m not so wrong am I? :)

But the mix of languages looks a bit... unprofessional. ;-)

That’s exactly what I meant...

And yes, Tev, you are probably right, it just looks not consequent..

It is, but as the real site opens tomorrow we didn’t really care. :)

I can’t wait to see the site tomorrow!

All the Roxette & co. sites are nothing special. It´s nothing where you can say: Wow this is a good design.

TDR looks so normals. I think this orange is nothing special.

Sorry for that!

You’re entitled to your opinion I guess.

I think the design isn’t that important. Content, that’s what counts.

Per is right now signing the CD’s in Gothenburg - oh please - is there anybody out there who could give us a detailed report about this event?? :P

(oh i wished bengans would have installed a live cam ... :))

Per was there from 17.20-18.35 approximatly. I’ve got 5 autographs ans about 40 photos so I think it was enough time!!
He worn a green jacket. He was really cool!! =)

Have A Nice Day everyone!!

I hope you all enjoy today, those who are going!

Hope to see some pics....


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