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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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91 replies

When you try to enter you will be automaticly redirected to the SOAP site! STRANGE!

Maybe not so strange... ;)

i’m surprised, but i hope that will return updated after SOAP-promotion...


why not?

The was a crap site, nothing to be missed. Wait to see what will happen. I think you may like.

i see :) tell us something more!! Will point to TDR?:D

You missunderstood me, i also think that was a crap. It should be re-designed and updated regurarly

Ha ha, aha, I get it. No I can’t tell you right now, but I think it will be a pleasant surprise.

surprise? does this mean there’ll finally be an integrated site about per (soap), marie, roxette and gyllene tider (as the forum in the soap website somehow already seems to indicate)??

only God... I mean, Tevensso knows that :P

;)the world went mad:P

Me thinks Tev knows something. ;)

you’ll have to wait and see.. :D

*Eyes semi-shut in suspicious gaze*

now that is odd...

Can we get some sort of a hint of whats going on??

It’s a big secret!

couple more vids at the official site... they’re cool :)

obvious what is going to happen i think :)

he he... roxette will release another greatest hits album... what a surprise!

Maybe SOAP is the new project for Per and Marie and all these people!!!!!!!! o_0

And they will release lots of new material with this new name!!!! Per, Marie, Helena, Crhis....

Maybe Roxette died, but SOAP is beginning!!! :D

Why not?

Never this is a real Per Project

arnie: :-P

roxette is marie and per, not per, i think this a huge insult to roxette and marie fans. Per is trying to sell himself via name roxette. i dont like .

MARIE and PER will be always ROXETTE!!!!!!!

And ROXETTE never die!!

@rox-kuryliw: Are you on drugs? Per never called himself Roxette... :S

I agree with rox-kuryliw.

To the casual fan, this redirection of to >> will give the wrong impression.

@tevensso: lol, that was hilarious! lol

Carlos E., New York.

well, I feel there’s something in the air.

Maybe Marie is working on her D.O.A.P. (I do not suggest anything when it comes to pronouncing it though) - album > Daughter Of A Postman... a kinda ’sister’-album for the SOAP-album ;-)

@tev: i also agree with rox-kurlyblabla.... Roxette is marie AND per, but now THEIR site is redirecting to HIS site... so is about a gessle-project.

But who knows what we’ll get back.

Regardless what will happen; is the old a site that ANYONE will miss??

Nope, no one will miss it...that’s for sure!

@tevensso: Old ... so old ... ;-)

Carlos E., New York.

no, died the same day it was born, unfortunetely. Hoping to see sth better...

Ha ha, now it’s new!

Do you want to tease us German fans? “Bald müssen Sie nicht mehr warten...”

I don’t sprechen anymore so I’m innocent. But I laughed my ass off...

Funny ;)

The old site should’ve been called, because that’s all I could find there. :P

:S Something strange is going on - I hope it is good news ! was used for promotion purposes. First for The Ballad Hits, then for The Pop Hits when it was out. It was a nice site, somehow. I still have some wallpapers and screensavers, that I downloaded from that. The design was very cool, and up-to-date. I wonder why people is complaining the site was never updated. Nothing else happened about Roxette since The Pop Hits, what did you want?

maybe it has something to do with the fact that pg is in NY right now, trying to set that wanted rox-collection (he spoke about it in q&a section, remember?)...but he’s also there to lay soap on few important desks i suppose (hope i didnt get it wrong from the swedish is poor) the end, maybe will be indeed a special department in soap site...or don’t know...maybe per wants to gather the projects together somehow...did you read what he said about working with marie in the future? I think he said he himself read in the paper that marie would kinda want to continue with roxette, because he didn’t know it...But do not let yourself des-informed by a french guy whose Swedish is of any the article for yourself and translate it for all of us PLEEEAZZZ

“Nothing else happened about Roxette since The Pop Hits”

So all news since 2003 on TDR were LIES??? :) c’mon few things happened for sure!

@Room_service: It had hardly any, if any information on the previous releases. Some people like reading about the back catalog sometimes. Gives us an idea on what to look for. ;)

...Is it possible to have closing tags for body and html on or on Whole code is awful... Have the coding guy ever heard about validator?

( )

I checked my own site with that validator, and my whole site is built with Dreamweaver or FrontPage, and it had as many errors as And frankly, when I read the “errors” they have found I disagree with most of them.

two quick things.... why would this string start in the first place?? @jobarth: are you that bored that you even check :P


Re: validator.... if the site seems to have 82 errors..and most arent even errors....

tevensso no i dont take drugs, just to let you know, how rude.

Rude? I wonder who’s rude here.

Well it surely isnt me ;)

If you code, then why not code with rules...? is good example how to code right ;)

Yes, I am a programmer... My problem ;)

I’m a programer too but I guess not that picky ;)

tevensso how am i rude if thats what your insinuating ? you asking if im on drugs ? im saying i think thats a insulting question to ask!. your a moderator not a judge of personal character lol.

Perhaps it is an advance that comes to us from Roxette.

I’m not a programmer - I have no idea what you guys are taling about re: coding. I am a son of a plumber. ;o)

How the heck did we get into coding?

I guess that next, someone will be checking the programers life history. Some crazy stuff pops up in this so beloved TDR of ours.

The question, is the something as or . They have the some conotation, or meaning, if you will. So, i really don’t see what’s so rude about that. But i guess we should excuse people that think those expressions are so called “rude”. After all, their beliefs, values and way of thinking are different.

Sorry, i should stop here. Getting way off track. Let’s go back to the discussion at hand. Not talking about the coding jargon. ;-)

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

Bunio said:

“So all news since 2003 on TDR were LIES??? :) c’mon few things happened for sure!”

Those were not news about Roxette as a group. Since was intended to promote the group called “Roxette” and their lastest release (The Pop Hits, and The Ballad Hits before), those news about Per/Marie/GT careers would be totally out of place there.

@Max-Tob: That’s what i got from the news article too. So, if we are correct, a decent Roxette compilation is going to be released here sometime in the near future.

And also, SOAP could be released here if there’s enough interest. Wow! Hopefully there will be. Let’s see.

Carlos E., New York.

Carlos, WATCH OUT, man! He’s in your neighbourhood!!! Make sure you won’t bump into him! hahaha

Yes, the old site conatined only Pop Hits promo stuff, but Google still ranks #1 in the search results!

I think currently some new inforamtion-hungry fans feel embarrassed when they see the official website with this nice, unformated welcome screen, telling ’Bald müssen Sie nicht mehr warten...’.

@Max-Tob: I know. I think i bumped into him coming from college yesterday afternoon. He seemed to be listening to Jo-Anna Says. lol

Btw, where do you live?

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

Wonder what the site is gonna turn into. Tev knows that the people here don’t want another Greatest Hits album, so he wouldn’t say “I think you’ll be pleasently surprised” if it was another GH album. Quite intriguing though!!!

Joanna Says.mp3-download


Just wanted to visit and still waiting :)


Good luck !



it says : “Bald müssen Sie nicht mehr warten...”

@hotblooder: really?

@pwbbounce: Sharp! think so too...

soon in roxette terms?
but then i guess 2006 and the anniversary is classed as soon?

On it says: “Bald müssen sie nicht mehr warten...”

German language on a swedish website?

I’m totally confused, but that’s nothing new.

( ’ ; ’ )

The doors have opened.

Why on earth hasnt ’Marie’ got her own section link like per and GT have ect ect ?

Because she is not Per Gessle! It is about HIS projects!!


But now on (like on GT& there is a link to a forum which on the one hand is the Soap-forum but on the other hand now seems to be kind of an official forum about everything and everyone related to Roxette, Gessle and SOAP (and I’m 100% sure there would be a link to this forum if there was an official site like these about Marie). If Gessle gets his own section on a forum that from now on is an offical forum about Roxette Marie deserves one as well.

(And btw., if the soap-forum hab been a “real” soap-forum, the sections about GT, Per Gessle and Roxette should have been deleted because soap is soap and neither Gessle nor GT or Roxette )

So you can write about her in the Roxette part of that forum then?

ok tevensso why don’t you upload all the pictures from Gallery at and in good quality on TDR? We all know that you have them all or at least most of them :) don’t be mean! :) share them with us!

“Because she is not Per Gessle! It is about HIS projects!!”

Since then WWW.ROXETTE.SE should be only about Per Gessle projects? If it was, it would be ok, but it isn´t... For me it´s insulting that Marie didn´t get a section about HER projects. A lot of fans from all over the world will access and will be pleased to know about every release related to Roxette... except Marie´s ones.

Wow... very cool. Finally a site worth visiting.
Congrats to the webmaster. :)

i agree about this whole thing being about Per... the whole (pity about gtcom :P) is about HIS projects....

however i do understand that there should at least be a link to MarieFredriksson within, hang on.... does she have an official website?? hmmm... when that happens, then she may get a spot too...

on the other hand...doesnt Per own the rights to the name “Roxette”?? :) haha, i feel flames coming my way... im joking kids...dont burn me!

It´s a really great site!!!

In these times a lot of stars have got own official websites. What a pity Marie not.

Well, her “label” does with Actually, I think that she doesn’t really care about internet, on the other hand it’s really strange that there isn’t a MF section on Another inconsequent thing that I don’t get at all.

I like the new design/style though, good work, thanks to all who made it possible.

tevensso why on earth are helping with the daily roxette ect if you dont like marie lol ? ? If you like roxette you have to like both ? ? roxette is 2 you cant seperate them as one in roxette.

Sure, I can like Roxette but not Marie. Not a problem, but then I’m not really a freak...
However, I do respect Marie.

a freak ? whats that to do with anything lol, ow dear! and to be honest i dont see its poss to be a roxette fan not lime either per or marie, i like the both ? Marie more than per, but i still think he’s good.

“Well, her “label” does with Actually, I think that she doesn’t really care about internet, on the other hand it’s really strange that there isn’t a MF section on”

Well this not about Marie caring or not about internet, neither about if Tevensso likes Marie´s solo work or not. It´s about the FANS who will acccess the site, after seeing the url on the Roxette CDs, and will find an incomplete site: all projects related to Per, nothing about Marie.

The site isn’t incomplete... What are you talking about?? It has all information needed about ROXETTE...

Roxette is Per and Marie not only Per
What have do for a Problem with Marie? Why don´t like you Marie?
it´s just a question i interested me.

Jesus, this will be the very last time I explain this:

Per owns the new sites. He pays for them. ROXETTE is on the site, as well as Per’s other projects.

Yes, Marie is in Roxette, and Roxette is still on the site. With me so far?

All about Roxette is on the site, or will be, as well as Per’s solo stuff - separately.

Marie is not a Per-project and is therefore not on the site.

And it has nothing to do with me liking Marie or not.

Well, I think that this discussion is over after Thomas explanation... let´s forget about this Per x Marie thing and enjoy the new album.
My copy is on the way... yeahhh

Well after Tev’s (so nice) explanation, I guess you can’t say anything else.................

Didn’t mean to be rude, just clear. :)

From the providers point of view Tevensso’s explanation is of course logical. But still, from a users perspective it’s weird:

You go to an official website to find everything about a band called Roxette. You see the group is having a break and look for their solo projects: Aha, Per Gessle is doing SOAP right now. But what about that blonde singer Marie? What’s up with her?

You see, the general user does expect Marie info as well... Shouldn’t be a too big problem if the site was payed by Roxette Recordings, management and label are the same anyway.

I like whats been done, and it makes sense the way its been setup. But I’d still like to see Roxette have their “own” site. That way that site could link to Marie’s own site/s and Per’s as well.

im glad some people see my point ,

maybe its a spot light thing ? marie wants to get out of it more (god knows why?) , and per is trying for solo worldwide stardom on his own , i dont know just a thought.


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