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Will mr Gessle be able to sing C'mon live?

17 replies


I dig the new single C’mon - it’s fresh with some new turns in Per’s singing. But will he actually be able to sing this song properly live? I’m sure he can sing falsettos in the studio, correct me if I’m wrong - but I have actually never heard any falsetto singing from PG on any live gig (although Micke Syd have some in GTs backing vocals.)

So how will it sound folks?

Oops! perhaps there already was a discussion about this, anyway...

I think he can carry it off, he can most things! :)

Perhaps if someone kicked him in the cookies?

I’m sorry... I can’t sing that high m’self as I’m a Tenor / Alto and if I tried that... I’d be in the hospital for sure.

Hmm I don’t think Per is the kind of person who would fake it in the I can he could pull it off. If it sounds nice live, is another thing ;)

Offcourse it’s not faked in the studio, it will be very interesting to see/hear how it turns out!

ow lord , hes not that good of a singer live! have none of you heard him ! , of course its the studio , awww its sweet you all think hes that good. but thats what makes a good music producer , ask whitney houston, and misss carey hehe

I don’t think so!

And on the other I’ve never heard such stupid gessle-song.

I think he will be able to do it live. His voice doesn’t sound that different from studio to live. None of us know though until we see it.

BTW does anyone know if Opp Nox was ever performed live?? That’s also very high and should be able to give an idea??

Hey!! Of course he’s doing the falsetto live in the studio- what else??! Btw, did you see Fotbollsgalan yesterday when Mr.G & co did C’mon? Does anyone know if it was playback or for real? It was playback wasn’t it?

I think the vocal key is going to be much lowered to sing the song live.

Yes at fotbollsgalan it was playback. You could hear that fore sure!
And I realy don´t think he can do the song live, it´s only “sakta mina steg” that got the same high vocals.

No (don’t think it’s possible to sing live with anything near the same quality as in studio, sorry Per)

Falsetto is not that difficult to sing :

No it’s not that diffcult, but PG isn’t the worlds best singer either...

Yeah, I agree, the key will definetely be lowered. But I guess that will take away a big part of the charm.

Falsetto isn’t impossible to sing, but it’s harder to sing live than “normal”. It sure needs a lot of pratice, and Per hasn’t got the most falsetto singing live on his back, yet ;) On the other hand, listen to Morten Harket, that fellow Norwegian proves singing falsetto live is no problem. I made a try for C’mon myself, and a very low number of people here have heard it, with mixed feedback :P

ppppssssstttttt.... Tiny Tim, he ain’t

Käften, PerAndren!


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