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Dressed for Success - Instrumental Version

12 replies

Does anyone have this and could possibly share it?
Never heard it before -not even sure which edition of the single it’s on. anyone have it ripped and can share it for those of us who are deprived?

and as a matter of interest, are there any other instrumental versions of any of their other songs? but only authentic instrumentals. not remakes or watever. (?)

I’m interested too. I downloaded a couple instrumentals of IMHBL a while back. The music didn’t sound the same as what’s in the original song.

As long as I know, Roxette never released an instumental version of Dressed For Success on any single. Same for IMHBL.

An instrumental version of Dressed For Success does exist on the Swedish 12” of Dressed For Successs, but it´s an instrumental remix of this song.

The only other instrumental that I know of is Don’t Believe in Accidents.

There is also the Instrumental version of Spending My Time (Electric Dance Remix).

With regard to Dressed For Success, I made a Karaoke version from the original a while back, unfortunately I don’t have it anymore. The way Marie’s vocals are recorded in this particular song, programmes such as Goldwave and others with “Karaoke” functions will remove just about all the vocals. You’ll still be able to hear Marie but it will be very faint. Hope this helps!

Jules welcome to TDR by the way! :)

thanxx:) been meaning to join for years, dont know why i never got round to it until now! its great to be here

does nobody have it?? someone must! um.. where can i find that goldwave programme?

Jules - when all else fails... google it :-)

I have it somewhere... :S

wow thanxx SO much:) yay im happy now! hehehe


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