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Reality Check About Joanna Says

52 replies

Whilst it’s very easy to get caught in the hype, let’s be really honest here....

The song, Joanna Says, is barely a B-side at best.

It is shocking and cornball to the max. What a poor effort.

“C’mon” is different, edgy and innovative. Joanna Says though? Geez that is pure garbage.

Let’s be serious here guys, put your admirable loyalty to Gessle aside, if this song popped on the radio and it was sung by some unknown Joe, would you honestly drool over the track as much? Short answer is NO.

Very mediocre effort from PG in my opinion.

What worries me is why did he choose to release this as a lead single or indeed a single at all? It’s awful. The brass section in the background, the non-sense lyrics...yuck.

Sorry guys. Not a flame. Not an attack. Just a different perspective so no abuse ok?

I have no doubt the album will rock, but Joanna Says is cringe-worthy. Very embarrassing to listen to.

I hope radio stations flip it over and opt for c’mon because I’m ashamed to say that this is Per’s new single.


I *personally* think the”Jo-anna” song was quite predictable...
It does not mean I didn´t like at all **BUT** it wasn´t exactly what I expected for the first single since this album was meant to (or at least I thought so) put together “a lot of great pop he (PG) had forgotten”. Well it didn´t really sound like a “rediscovery” to me.

On the other hand I think “Come on” sounds much better.Not the typical Gessle song, but still very Gessle-ish :)
I hope the rest of the album goes on like this...filled with lots of nice surprises...

@ Roxwriter - I respect your point of view, but I have to disagree with you... I simply LOVE “Jo-Anna Says” exactly because it´s a simple song. Per sung it very well, and even with sad lyrics the atmosphere of the song is happy... I like the beat, the trumpets, Helena´s voice.
For me it´s THE song... PERfect as hell !!!

And please, get real guys, Per Gessle is PER GESSLE, what are you expecting ? Ghotic ? Rumba ?

Per is Pop... nothing else to say !
Go Gessle Go... Jo-Anna Saaaaaysssss

I´m also quite disappointed about the first (bad!) single choice. It´s quite clear that radiostations will rather pick the typical fail-safe Gessle-formula...hehe...that means that maybe “Come on” won´t get any airplay at all...

This quite ruins the possibility of showing non Gessle fans (and fans as well) his different musical sides...people don´t usually get to listen. That, I think would be much more interesting...

At this point, with such a succesful career I don´t think Per really feels like he has to prove himself...and that´s what he really meant when he came up with the idea for this album...

Well, I hope “Come on” gets to be succesful it it gets airplay...and I´ll wait for better choices for the next singles.

i like c’mon 100 times better than joanna says. gessle has written tousands of songs like joanna... i like this one which is more original.

i like joanna, though. it’s a very nice, radio-friendly song.

Cheers for the rational and constructive responses guys.

Yes I agree with most of you.

C’mon shows a new fresh dynamic sound, and I too fear that Joanna Says will get the airplay and we’ll be reading the predicatable boring reviews of this Beatles inspired ditty.

It boggles the mind as to why he would do a double A-side, but that’s fair enough I suppose.

C’mon sounds like White Stripes, very different and modern. Joanna Says sounds like a B-side to TWATG. That’s my main point. Pretty girl, doesn’t like the boy, nanananana been there done that Per.

Know what I mean?

I don’t think that it’s a song i’ll ever go Crazy about. Yes, you are right, it’s hardly a B-Track. It should have NEVER been “the” single. That’s a bad bad choice. C’mon on the other hand, it’s different... very different and well, I think it would have pulled off better than JS.

JS is not REALLY good. I think people are in the hype of the new album launch and everything. The song’s weak and defenitely not what Gessle is capable of. I think C’mon shud have been the prime choice between both these songs. It’s sad but true :(

Jo-anna sounds 100% Gessle-ish.Maybe that’s the point.I think a good song for swedish charts,but no for an international release.

The thing with “Jo-Anna says” is that it’s not good enough to make it, and still not bad enough to simply be skipped. I guess it will be on the radio playlists for quite a while, I guess it will make it quite well in some charts, but non-fans will get bored quite soon and even - God forbid - they’ll quite get to hate it. You know, for people that have nothing to do with per gessle, all songs are heard somehow globally. They can only hear the gessle-cliché in them, as a mark of identification. For being rated as good, a gessle-song should probably contain that “cliché” (in the good sense of the word) but also a certain unexpected something that may surpass the cliché and fight the boredom that may overwhelm a listener that only hears predictible sounds.
For a non-fan, “Jo-Anna says” is even MORE predictible than it is for a fan; an insider has a trained ear, he hears the differences, the twisted parts, gessle’s voice sounds sweet hear, strong there, tender here and there etc. There’s always something unpredictible to hear within the fan area because there’s a certain waiting-behaviour that makes possible the splitting of a song in 10000 of shades. As for outsiders, what would be the meaning of a new label (like SOAP) for singing something that sounds nothing but usual gessle? Where’s the unpredictable?
“Jo-Anna says” is silly in both - good way and bad way. ’60’s inspired? Of course, but not entirely. Actually the song meets two clichés: one rolled in the 60’s (the tune-line reminds me of the Del Shannon’s compositions) and one rolled for years by gessle himself (“my love and beyond”-part, as well as the changing of the chorus-key, the lyrics etc.). Would the meeting of two good clichés spoil a show? Rather not, on the contrary, especially if there’s a good blending. But gessle-cliché as he used in “Jo-anna” is not good enough, not anymore, and esp. not for a single. I think the song could have been loved among others; when listening the whole album, Jo-Anna might have been welcomed, but when she’s trying to make it by herself, she might be found gracious, but boring.
On the other hand, you can almost hear along the song the faith he has put in it, he wanted this song to sound somehow “important” but the means were too poor unfortunatelly. His voice goes more tender, he dares more, he sings it with impetuosity (that’s why the song sounds rather sad) - so the effort is obvious and I wouldn’t send the song on a B-side...
As for the lyrics, they are so ridiculously poor. Non-sensical?? Not even that. Simple? I wish they were simple like Beatles’ “ps I love you” or “girl”, but they’re not. Typical pop lyrics? No! “C’mon” has them, but “Jo-Anna says” doesn’t. I even dare to say they dragged the song down even more, they have something almost unbearably stupid. I wish he could have used a good vital beatles lyrics-cliché (if he did sense his imagination wasn’t reliable enough back then when he wrote the song.

Still, I am wonderig: what if the intention of this double-single was a matter of contrast between “jo-anna” and “c’mon”? something gessle-ish and something son-of-a-plumber-ish. then and now. continuity and discontinuity. It’s not totally impossible for them to have meant the double-single to be listened “as a whole”- Jo-Anna is the character after all...maybe she needs to be followed in both songs in order for us to get a picture of how charming she can be.

With “C’mon” is a whole different story. The falsetto is amazing. It’s everything but Velvet Underground, still, somehow John Cale-ish because it contains a bit of a paradox: glamour, a bit of a parody and a bit of originality, it also has a vague erotical shade and a bit of a (unintended? or subtle?) avangarde, but it’s also straight, it’s also disco and also Prince-like and totally Ian Whitcomb’s “You turn me on” .
Gessle-cliché in it? Yes, of course, but so damn well-drained! The “beep” part is probably inspired by Beatles’ “Drive my car”, but it fits soap’s song better; he made a good point with it, so to speak.

Still, the radio stations avoided to give “C’mon” some airplay. Why? I guess they prefer gessle’s “naked” cliché...Dj’s nowadays don’t like subtleties (or undertones); they won’t risk the rating of their show with a 70’s falsetto...They won’t even bother to see gessle in another light; why? because gessle = “Jo-anna says”. People are so convinced that a high-pitched gessle voice will ruin everything that they fail to hear how catchy this song actually is!! And they, of course, fail to see that gessle didn’t contradict himself or his good old clichés AT ALL when writing this song!!

I wonder how much time will it take for people to see that “C’mon” is NOT A SCANDAL!!!?????!

Jo-Anna Says is the best song Pers done in english for years..

Sorry, can’t agree with any of these opinions at all. I will say that “Jo-anna Says” probably won’t be a big chart hit in Sweden (partly because it’s in English, partly because it doesn’t fit the teenybopper or adult contemporary format needed for that kind of airplay), and I don’t think it would get airplay outside of Sweden at all. Nevertheless, I think the song is fantastic, it’s pure sunny pop, the way Per has always done it - without apology. Pop is fun again!! It doesn’t have to be all Arcade Fire and Coldplay, nor does it have to be Britney and Westlife! So personally, I’m thrilled with the song. You’ll have it in your head for weeks whether you want to or not... (-:

“Jo-Anna Says is the best song Pers done in english for years”

Actually I agree, i simply LOVE it! And actually, I even like the lyrics! Great song Per, way to go!

I agree with substitute, that the song is in english doesn’t mean that all the world around will like it.
I think that Jo-anna has a “Mazarin atmosphere“, that sounds great for swedish and rox fans that are accustomed to Mr. G, but I guess it won’t worth worldwide.
Maybe another song is choosed for the international launch.

Jo-Anna is 100% beatle (but I don’t believe that it has international success)...

I think Jo-anna is not strong enough. It funny, but weak. It sounds like a circus number. Sometimes fans are a little blind and can’t face the reality. I know, it’s Per, we love him. But we also have a brain between the ears. We can’t deny this song is NOT great.

The problem here is Per has been stucked in the 60’s for decades. I know he loves that era, and he has loads of memories, but I think we had enough. I need some more “contemporary”, I’m tired of those 60’s tunes and pointless lyrics. Per should grow-up! We are not in the 60’s anymore! Sometimes I wonder if he’s able to write more mature and deep lyrics or not. I’m expecting that, I hope he’s able. If not, I will be very disappointed. He should show more versatily, I believe he has enough skills to write better lyrics than this “Jo-anna”, outside the “cliché” frame.

I don’t wanna admit one of the singers I admire is just able to write something like THIS! :o(

@AT... interesting analysis! personally I still haven’t heard c’mon full and in good quality so can’t really give an opinion on that. RE: Jo-Anna Says: predictable? Maybe. Gessle-ish? Certainly? Hit-quality? Absolutely, for me it’s the best English recording i’ve heard from Per solo yet or from Roxette in ages.. it reminds me somehow of the song that really made me a big rox-fan 16 years ago... ’How Do You Do!’... that same sort-of-annoying but at-the-same-time-catchy kind of tune. So, all I can say is thanx, Per, for bringing back some good old hate-it-or-love-it rubbish. :o) Actually this thread somehow reminds me of the division that ’Stars’ caused among fans a few years ago.

“Jo-Anna Says is the best song Pers done in english for years..”

Yeah, well, with only little more than 20 songs in English released in the past five years that’s not that difficult, is it? ;-)

Well, although I’m a big Gessle fan, I think I know how to use the brain I have inside my head and, honestly, in my opinion “Joanna Says” is an excellent song. I love it since the very first time I heard the snippet. It’s very simple, yes, and it can become boring to me, yes, but only because I like it so much, I want to listen to it so many times a day.
p.d. Sorry about my poor English.

I love them both, and quite frankly, I don’t really care if it does well in the world or not. I will be happy if it does, but if it doesn’t I will be happy I’ve heard them.

I think Jo-anna is just one of those Gessle cute sweet catchy simple and at the same time brilliant pop songs..

As Lonegunman said, although JS has a sad story to it, the intself has a lifting and happy tone to it.

I believe that if we all could, we would love to give our sad life moments a happy melody. That’s exactly what Mr. Gessle has done with this song.

Can anyone of you actualy listen to this song and feel sad or have a feeling of emptiness even though the lyrics tell a sad story? I just can’t! You know, JS actually makes my head and feet move. I smile!!

Take care guys!
Carlos E., New York.

Interesting responses from you all.

I think at the end of the day you need to ask yourself, if you switched on the radio driving to work in the car and you heard Joanna Says and had no idea who sang it and it wasn’t PG, then I seriously doubt you would all think it’s a good song.

If you can honestly say that you think it’s a good track, then that’s fine. But the groundbreaking masterpiece that some people are touting it to be, it ain’t.

I can see the song working in non-English markets because the lyrics are very ordinary, those markets can enjoy the music and beat. Perhaps why I, as a non-Swede, loved Mazarin, until I then realised that at one point Per sings that he is an insect on a twig? Hmmm.....I’m sure I would’ve HATED the album if it were English and pearls of wisdom like that appeared.

Anyway, each to his own, but it is refreshing to know that there are others who recognise this track to be the mediocre effort that it is. Poor effort. Certainly not an A-grade song.

easy to analize, hard to predict...i think that since all of us here in this forum started to make it grow 5 years back (as I remember I first logged in here) and claimed for roxette’s deserved position in the world charts, I never felt such urgent yell for roxette before. i mean, i’ve seen topics about it here and is true...people are missing roxette, and I think jo-anna says is indeed quite per-ish and roxette-ish.

and do you know what? what’s the damn problem with that? I mean, that’s exactly what I feel people want to hear and if Per does too, why not releasing it as a first (but not only of course) single?

the ’hype’ as it was mentioned here didn’t affect us in the way many are thinking. this album is receiving a huge and nice attention from emi, with a quite nice site, nice promotion so far (i guess) and etc...not to mention the whole ’inspiration’ behind it - Per’s 60’s and 70’s influence...of course many here are waiting for something explosively creative and different...and that’s ’c’mon’...

but hey: my father, 55, who bought a roxette ’joyride’ tape in 1991, and when he heard ’Jo-Anna Says’ he said: ’well those guys (roxette) are long missing now’. did u see? instant recognition! I think that per is working now almost like a ’lancet’ for roxette, opening space in the music market of the world again. why trying something weirdly different or not too easy to recognize? if people use to think that Savage G.’s, ’I want you’ is actually a roxette song, I guess you got my point.

if per released ’c’mon instead (which I indeed, REALLY consider to have world potential) people could go ’uh?’ in other countries, where they barely know Per’s name or even it’s pronounce! they don’t even know who ’Peer Geysle’ is (the way a radio guy said his name in those SIMC sue news) and that he has a solo career, and awesome albums. and if u stop to think, ’c’mon’s beginning gives u the straight and clear idea that’s marie singing...well, but not at the same time! it’s too strange to release it now, initially, as a part of Roxette’s Per Gessle-guy project...understand? he made it very clear in the QA section he wants it to be worldwide, so...

who knows, if the next single could be ’c’mon...i bet it will be, it sounds perfect to. however, joanna says by now is quite a sunny, happy song with the clear sign of Per on it.

I agree with AT...people expect ’gessle-ism’ (non-fans) with something different. but with that huge expectation of a roxette comeback - which is something we can all feel - if he tried something different, he could spoil it. if roxette released something now, a new album, it would be such a comeback as it was in 99 with HAND - the confuse HAND, with so many ’almost gessle-ish’ things, got me? so...all things have it’s proper time. let’s wait people say ’wow, that’s roxette, per, etc...back! so good!’ with joanna says and then, the other, expected kind of ’wow’ for c’mon.

about silly lyrix...i’m satisfied with them...they’re entirely catchy, not only the choruses...i only hate per about his short bridges...that guitar is wonderful! ir remindes me mccartney’s at his best!! he could make it a little longer.

and let’s face it...I’d rather go for ’my looooove and beyond’ than those stupid gothic, rap, nu-metal, dance and other trashy songs lately...blaaaargh...

except for tragedy’s ’eo’...great song! it’s embarassing to admit, but it’s true!!!

I don’t think this about Per releasing more contemporary material or competing with R&B, hip/hop or dance.

It comes down to the fact that Joanna Says is hardly an A-grade song, let alone a lead single! Especially compared with “C’mon”.

For me I think it’s the cornball brass section.

I’ve played the song over and over trying to get into it, but I just can’t stomach it. Such a disappointing effort.

I just hope the album has quality tunes on it, not this stuff that sounds like a theme music to kids cartoon show about a teddy bear who marches in a band eating honey with his friend Joanna.

Muppet fans anyone?

There simply is no objective rule for what makes a song good or not, so to say “the groundbreaking masterpiece everyone has touted this song to be it ain’t” is no more of a factual statement than “this is the best song written by anyone, ever.” The fact of the matter is that some people love jangly pop that recalls a time when every song on the radio was a corny, sunny love song about nothing and some people hate it. Roxette got famous all over the world for putting out exactly that: trivial pop songs about nothing that make you smile.

For the record, I’ve only heard the clip but I think “C’mon” is bizarre (great percussion though!) and that “Jo-anna Says” is - by comparison - a far stronger choice for lead single.

Please do us all a favor and stop acting like your opinion is the only valid one, Roxwriter, it’s getting really old! Yes, we get that you don’t like the song and don’t think much of it, but that doesn’t automatically make it a bad song and it definitely doesn’t mean everyone who disagrees with you is wrong! After all, we are talking about taste here and there is no right or wrong when it comes to that...

ETA: That’s what happens when writing takes too long, someone else writes a similar post. ;-)

@ Starrox - Perfect words... that´s exactly what I was going to say about Roxwriter.

Roxwriter... again, I respect your opinion, but your not the owner of the true... and if you ask me, I think you don´t understand anything about Per Gessle´s music. You have the right to say you don´t like the song, but don´t come saying the song is bad like you knows everything. Slow down.

“Jo-Anna Says” is bad ? Yeah right... good is “Cmon”.... a song with vocals sounding like Per received a kick in the nuts.


Ahh yes it didn’t take long for the thread to denegrate into the typical slanging match that takes place on these threads, my mistake for thinking that perhaps we might have an interesting discussion. I know now for next time.

As for the “I don’t understand Per Gessle” music, well I’ll just ignore that remark. For the record my favourite tune of all time ever is June Afternoon, so that disproves your intellectual well-researched claim.

Let the record state I at no point attacked anyone for their opinion nor did I state that because I didn’t like this attempt at a pop-song that I somehow ruled out other peoples opinion, so why the need to get up in arms over it is quite puzzling, but nonetheless indicative of the nature of the regular threads that appear on this site.


It was an interesting thread until then. Oh well... hopefully we’ll have better luck with another thread....I wont hold my breath.

I like it. :)

That’s my truth :P

@Roxwriter: Actually, you’re right - nothing you said was inappropriate or discounted others’ right to their own opinion, and I for one welcome hearing your thoughts on the song. The issue I (and I think others) have with the way you’re framing your arguments is that you seem to be suggesting that the only way somebody could like this song - if we were being as objective as we possibly could - is because we’re fans of Per and not because the song has any merit whatsoever. Whether you intended it to be so or not, this is a tad insulting - it is possible to evaluate the song critically and still come to the conclusion that it’s a fantastic piece of pop, just as it’s possible to do the same and come to the conclusion that it’s garbage. So I hope you can understand where the backlash is coming from, and I hope you keep arguing about this because it’s fun even if we completely disagree (-:

well I consider myself adult enough to know what I like and what I like not. Many people know I’ve been critic with Per in the past, so no “I love all he does”, I didn’t like Mazarin and I still don’t like it ;)

I think some people here need a reality check on what being a fan is all about. People can have different opinions on the songs, thats what a forum is all about. But to slag off the lead single now is low. Joanna Says to me is a typical safe Gessle pop song. Weve all heard this style of song before, especially the way the songs constructed. If some people are bored with this style, maybe its time to pack up your fan bags and move on. Its what we’ve heard in the past and what we will no doubt will hear in the future.

I love both Jo-anna Says and C’mon but I don’t think I would love SOAP in that way I love Mazarin becuse Mazarin is a very, very special album for me.. anyway I think Jo-anna Says and C’mon is GREAT!! I like Jo-anna says becuse its typical Gessle and I like C’mon becuse its diffrent.

And today I talked to one of my friends and she almost hate Per Gessles music and she always says that he’s songs is sooo bad, but she said that she thinks Jo-anna says was ok and everyone else I have talked to said that Jo-anna says is really it seems that people like it here...

@zombie: And so what? It is only allowed to post here if you’re a die-hard fan? I think it’s nice contrast of opinions. I like to read non fans. Fans are so predictable...
I don’t consider myself a fan. As Judith, I don’t like Mazarin all that much (it took me more than 1 year just to buy it and to hear a complete song for the first time, having listened just to some snippets before).I like Roxette’s music, but that doesn’t make me a fan, you can like something without going crazy, I hope.

So, I think it’s nice a thread like this, much better than those too many that run like this:
- Isn’t it nice “The sweet hello the sad goodbye”?
- Oh yes, that’s my favourite song.
- I do love that song from the first time I heard it.
- In my case, it grew on me :)
- Absolutely their best song, and one of the most underrated in music history...
- I love it too, count me in ;)
blah blah blah blah blah...

well... First of all, I like Mazarin ;-)

I think that C’mon is a brilliant song, in a very catchy style and with Per at his best. Sometimes I wonder why Roxette doesnt work in this way... But that is another story

In the other hand, I like Joanna says, but I think is a most typical gessle three chords song. That’s why I like it!

If I have to choose, C’mon is my favourite!

Thanks for the reply ZOMBIE.

A shame it was a waste of space though.

I love how I have been a fan since I was 8 years old (am 23 now) and have every Roxette/Gessle/Fredriksson album and yet I’m not a fan? You people are hysterical :-)

So you’re a total believer huh? You have no objectivity whatsoever? A bit of perspective zombie.

Just take a deep breath. No one is attacking Per. According to your well thought out theory, by me disagreeing with Per’s choice of first single, this somehow makes me “low”? Hmm... Ok I don’t know that I’ll even dignify that with an arguement because it makes no sense?

Nonetheless, I genuinely appreciate you taking the time to read and contribute to the thread zombie, many thanks... hopefully next time you might even offer something constructive.

Best wishes.

i still think Jo-Anna says purpose as a first single is to re-present per to the world i could say...i garantee really few people know/respect him as a solo artist outside europe (mostly scandinavia).

if it works, it will work folks...

Well, I have to admit I have played “Jo-Anna” a couple of times, and it has grown a lot into me. I think is not that bad now. It’s a nice little song, catchy, poppy, a happy tune. But nothing else. Not the kind of song I would play all the day. Nice, but not a masterpiece (let’s face it).

But on the other hand I don’t think fans can’t be objective sometimes, that’s not bad. I still believe Per should grow and write something different, more mature and deeper. I hope he has enough writting skills for that. Otherwise, I will be disappointed :o(

It’s pure Per and that’s why I really like it. Honestly it’s not the best song of his but it’s SO catchy and makes you move! Let’s see what will happen with my attitude after a coulpe of days and more listenings.

Hi guys

Most of you make a very good point and I agree with most of them (Positive and negative).

I listened to both the songs and I must say that I like JS more, yes, admittedly perhaps because it is closer to the Gessle pop-songs that made me a Roxette fan.

Per tried something different with SOAP and I think the reason why JS was
released first as a single is for people who are not neccesarily fans to be able to link Gessle to SOAP.
What I mean is, would anybody know it was Gessle singing on C’Mon unless the name SOAP was not linked to him somehow?

About Gessle being more serious? I don’t think it is a good idea. He should stick to what he knows and is good at.
I found this review of TWATG in another thread (
“Per Gessle was never about being DEEP, he was about creating fun nuggets of three-minute pop”

To me that sentence sums up Per perfectly...

Does it matter about the ’seriousness’ of his tracks. The truth is we are fans of Per, we know what he is about and what we expect and I don’t see any reason to be disappointed. Obviously the two songs are different and some will like one, others will like the other - it’s kinda just the way life is - I think JS is great!!!!

LOL @ Roxwriter! This is a funny thread. I haven’t heard Joanna Says, cos I’m not a Per fan and I don’t jump over myself to hear his stuff. Now I’LL probably get flamed for that, I got called a catty bitch because I said I don’t read the Per news, and I got flamed for saying I’m not a Per fan. I didn’t even insult him in any of my posts, I said he’s a cool guy but I’m just not a fan, and I still got burned ;) Some people can’t handle it when another person doesn’t like the same things as them. Well, if I was like that I’d go insane cos I love Crazy Frog and nobody else does :P

I liked at least two critics from this topic. Keep the good work guys, per should be proud of all his fans - liking or not liking his new singles. really.

well, per’s interview in aftonblablabla (can’t forgive’em for the bad critics and rumors about roxette, at least this time they LIKED what they heard) made kinda clear what me and other stated here...about recognizing per from his very marking and constant style of pop in Jo-Anna says...of course, he’s into some different stuff for other songs but I wouldn’t like to see per trying revolutionary things, with othe themes but the same silly love and passion of always. btw, he said that himself in the q&a sessions - he won’t be on writing deep, political or protest songs...and if people get mad coz he ’found a way to make money out tuning his guitar...that’s not his problem’. great, per!!

besides, there are two reasons for me why i consider jo-anna says some nice piece of sound: the lyrix reflect a situation that happened to me, just the same...hehe...per, per...

and i use to dimension the effects of a song on how do i feel about it the next day...if i want to hear it again, it’s good...and that’s happening with jo-anna says...i must confess i’m hearing it again and again...hehehe...and i was kinda off roxette lately...i was more on keane, maroon 5, the killers and other bands (but still missing them so much!)

oh yeah...and he confirmed the mccartney i said, recongnition, idea transmission, etc, etc...

I dl’d it so I could hear what the fuss was about. I have to admit...I rather liked it. I’m a sucker for those damn catchy choruses that make you bop along and stick in your head for days! That said, I can’t see this being a big hit unless Per gets in a time machine and releases this in 1965. So I agree with Roxwriter that it’s a poor single choice, given that singles are released to promote the album and hopefully become hits. But the song itself is fun!

Cheers MD.

You actually liked the new Per track? What’re going to buy Mazarin? Oh wait, you already did that :-p

I think you’re turning ;-)

I like them both - didnt like c’mon so much at first but have got into it now. Helena is cute and has a nice voice - different to marie. I like the musical arrangement in both tracks - that usually creates the baseline for whether I like a song or not. The high pitched vocal seems normal after a while.

RW: Yes I do like the song, I can’t stop playing it LOL! *sings “Joanna says I’m not the only one...” while bopping along* Maybe I will buy the album after all, even though he foolishly didn’t get Marie on one track like he usually does which always guarantees that as a loyal MF fan I have to buy it!!

And yes I did buy Mazarin (I had no choice, Marie was on it! Hey wasn’t it the same day we met for lunch, and you were all like “ooh now I have to go to HMV and get it!!!”??) I do enjoy it very much. I’ve always said, for a non-Per fan I sure do own a lot of his stuff :P

Now, after a few days of listening to the songs, I can say I like them both. Also love that “beatles” atmosphere! To my great surprise I really like Helena’s singing. Some people said here the 1st single choice wasn’t the best. Well, there’s no sence to talk about it now, until we hear the whole album. Per says SOAP is a cousin to Mazarin. But imho, judging by JS and C’mon, it seems to be a cocktail of TWATG and Mazarin with adding of The Lonely Boys. I’d say the main Mazarin influence is the “light” sound. By the way, interesting observation: for some reason only Per’s solos in Swedish look mature, as soon as he meets guys from GT or writes in English his songs lose seriousness.

Jo-Anna Says. Simple but nice classical Gessle 3-chord catchy piece of pop. I missed a lot such a kind of Per’s English songs. In some way it is similar to Tuffa Tider, both have happier music than meaning. I have to admit there’s good a proof that it’s not a bad song: even some of Marie fans do like it! ;-)

C’mon. I can repeat it once again: a very cool song. Has loads of fun in everything. Becomes better and better with every listening. The ending part with the piano, many singing voices and the final beat is especially great!

PS Very curious: why Jo-Anna and not Teena or Chrissie or some new girl? Why had Per decided to come back to this charachter?...

I realy liked “Jo-anna says”, I think that if you want to be in the radio you need to have a song that is easy and singeble for anyone.

I think that “Jo-anna says” could have fitted perfect in mazarin too, it got the same style. It´s a lovely easy song. But I agree maby not the best one if you see it from a fans ankle. but it´s needed for the promoation!

pop on!

I think Jo-Anna says is a great song. I really think it could be a international hit and yes I care about it.
I’m crossing my fingers to be an international hit. First because I like Per’s solo stuff and I think he deserve it. Second because if it happens all world Gessle fans will be able to puts their hands on this album.
Can’t wait to listen all SOAP album!

Now, when a few days have passed, I can say that I really love both Jo-Anna Says and C’mon, though my fav is C’mon. It has such a great beat :)

I really try to get excited about Jo-anna and Cmon ( or the whole SOAP-project) but I cant really. When Roxette releases stuff I count the minutes, but now its Gessle record..Nice...


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