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Marie in the newspaper

9 replies

It would be very interesting to know in what countries has written about Marie´s recovery.

I am starting: This article about Marie´s recovery came out in the most successful czech newspaper called idnes on Nov 1st.

Wow that’s really good! :)

I’ve seen nothing in the UK!

Here in Germany no newspaper reported about it till now!


Indonesian newspaper was writing about that too I guess.

I think it’s because there wasn’t an international press release. How should the media now about it?

marie’s looking great on that picture (hand-times)?

no reports about her recovery? ... well, only bad news is good news.

there was LOTS of good news about her the last weeks.

I’ve written to Marie Dimberg to suggest that she draw up a press release with the good news of Marie’s condition... we’ll see what happens...

it has been shown in the dutch paper algemeen dagblad

but it was a really small one

roxette singer recovers from cancer

no picture added though



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