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Per Gessle's hair... GOTTA LOVE IT!!

23 replies

Hey all you Roxette fans! I’ve been a fan for almost 20 years.... please don’t hate Per just because his hair is LOOOONG! I love men with long hair, my husband has long hair and I wouldn’t want it any other way! NOTE TO PER: KEEP IT LONG,... I LOVE IT! Barb

Who cares about his hair? This is SO silly and pointless...

Hair.....mmmm.its old musical..hah,hah.Per hair is fine and thats it.Dont hate his hair,please!Mucht better speak to his music not his hair.

I’ve always loved Per’s home, the only era I didn’t like was Unplugged!

ally77 to much hair spray was used in the period in time i think , hehe

I heard they used 7up in the Joyride era... I often wonder if that was true!

can you speak of a hairdo during the unplugged session? ;)

Gessle is soooooo sexy!

no he isnt !

It´s my mind. HE IS sexy!

I’ll second it he is sexy! :) **thinks of the topless Per in the GT docu!**

Ally77: Hahah! Yes I have that picture in my head often, very often.

Oh my god if Per reads this he will get a good laugh

Oh he is definitely sexy - nobody else comes close...

I agree :D:D:D

ow dear lol

What per gessle naked?????? SEND ME A SHOT!

I have to adjust: Gessle isn’t sexy....HE’S DAMNED SEXY!!!!!! :P

I think Marie’s sexier ;) I see that the picture changes every time you click on the link...
Mayby this works...

I just found this pic... Is it Per??? Im not sure actually... but it was in the Per Gessle category..
Someone who knows where it come from?

(I hope the link works...)

I think it’s Per. and he has more weight (which I like better) back then.

Yeah, per is so f**king hot

EWWWWWWWW!! Who put that picture on line??? HOT?? yes, hot is the right word...he’s probably sun-burnt...otherwise..
it’s good he lost weight...he looked like a pig, sorry girls.

About the picture: that’s a screenshot of a ’film’ some German ’fans’ made when they were camping very close to his backyard (one better calls that ’stalking’).

i think he looks better abit bigger, he looks to slim and gaunt looking now,


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