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Whos this guy and what does he do with Roxette

15 replies


Check this link below.

Do any of you know who the guy in the yellow rectangle is and what does he do with Roxette.

This is a still from the Run to you video.


Isn’t it Mats Persson? The drummer/percussionist?

it’s mats!

Thanks both of you.

We were watching this video and saw this guy, and a female friend of mine found him “cute”.

She wanted to get a few pic of him. But none of us knew what his name was.

But thanks.

Wow Mats Persson must be a common name in Sweden.

Just Google Mats Persson and see what comes out.

Not a pic of the “cute” fellow :-) only few scientist etc.


He aint as cute now as he was before.

Jasonmzs: that is another Mats Persson. The guy from the first picture was a drummer/percussionist during the C!B!B!-tour and the other one is Mats ’MP’ Persson. Two different guys with the same name :-)

And both those guys are related to Roxette :D

Mats “Myrdal” Persson

Played percusssion on Pearls of Passion and then was not seen again in the world of Roxetter until he popped up and played percussion on the C!B!B! tour. Also in the band Passagerarna, but I can’t find any information on them....

I like him in the CBB era, as he reminded me off a friend we had who use to decorate the house, I nicknamed him Mats!

@jasonmzs: Yea, Mats Persson IS a very common name here in Sweden.
I just looked it up, and found out that Mats is the most common first name for men here in Sweden, and that Persson is the 8:th most common last name in Sweden. So it’s quite obvious that there are many people with both of those names here.

Talking about the “cute” MP Persson, does anybody have a picture where somebody compared MP with John Travolta (Moderna Tider era) and Barney from The Simpsons (­Återtåget)? Does anybody know if that pic is available online somewhere?

He also plays the maracas / shakers, (whatever they r called), with Marie Fredriksson (check out the Antligen live video).

BTW any PICs of the guy. Its hard to find any.

I’d like to see those pix where Mats MP Persson is compared to John Travolta and Barney :D

I didn’t like the Roxette Mats. Couldn’t stand his behaviour on stage. While meeting he seemed to be nice, but he was never my type of persons I like to meet. Sorry.

I thought he was okay...

What’s wrong with Mats on stage?..


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