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Listen to your heart a hit in Holland?

5 replies

DHT’s unplugged version of Listen to your heart appears to be a hit in the Netherlands.
The song is ’superclip’ on music channel TMF and has A-list rotation on radio station 3FM.

I think there is a chance the song will enter the Dutch Top 50 as early as monday. It’ll be the first Top 50 Chart entry since for a Roxette song since Wish I could fly in that case.

Did anybody hear/see the song on other stations?

Heard the singer of DHT, Edmee, is Dutch not Belgian btw.

Wish I could fly was the last top 50 song in holland ? not even TCOTH or mATAH chart there ?


I’ve only seen it as superclip on TMF until now...hoping the remix will break through though...

Last Friday i was on my bike... some sort of tuned sportscar (you know, with a dark backwindow, tribals at both sides of the car) was driving behind me with high-speed, and i heard some heavy bass.... A couple of seconds later i heard it was LTYH :-P


The DHT version is currently @ No 8 on the chart of a Johannesburg based radio station here in South Africa. It’s a nice cover, but I still prefer Marie’s vocals on the original :-)


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