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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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rox fans in colorado?

9 replies

are there any roxette/gt fans in colorado? i don’t think so......i’m the only one. =(

i’m a rox fan in colorado.........all alone in the lone star state..wait a minute, i’m not in iowa!! hahahahahahhahahahahaha!

hey guess what roxette fans?!?!?!?


peace out and word to yo’ mama’s....

and tammie

kvo pravish putka?

Roxette Fanclub US was located in Denver, and she should still be there...?

I’m from Ohio :D

The “Lone Star State” is Texas.

I live in Utah, if that’s any help.

hejbird -otkade si nauchila tozi izraz draga Simeonova ;-))

alo, moi k’av si kade si , tam stoi si :)))
I speak three languages, english, german, bulgarian :)

I just want to say helloooooooooo!!! everyone

und ein schones grusse !!

whats up tammie, “ugh, you got yer lips wet didnt you eddy?!”

does any one else here like absolutely fabulous?

And she’s still in Colorado!! (Hej Thomas!!!! Whenever I see a DHL truck I think about you!)

@littlespooky....hej!! we’re neighbors!! i’m not alone after all.

@roxcyn......cheers! we are few and far between though

thanks! i was curious who was out there!



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