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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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22 replies

i think per would be a wicked president!!!!!!! doesn’t he and marie support amnesity international?



Yeah I could have wished for this about 15 years ago!

Erhhh, what’s the point of this topic? Please, let me know, I am very very worried...

Per’s platform:

- mandatory music lessons for schoolchildren
- tax breaks for everybody!
- more money for medical and cancer research (this one’s for you, Marie)
- invade Canada (just because)
- free black nail polish for all the men!

are we getting a tiny little bit obssessive? ;)

well, IMHO he should steer clear of politics, thank you :)

I think it would be cool if he would be President or a minister of the EU!

there won’t be vinter in Sweden anymore .
He will declare 365 days long Sommartider.

But yeep–i agree -he must be EU president.

In gessle we trust :-))
it ofcourse funny,but i can point at least a few expresidents of my contry who were worse choice ;-) i gues you can find such expresident in yours contry ;-)))

obssessive? no, i like politics and broadening the criteria for possible candidates would make thing interesting. artists in politics....ronald reagan did it. and in many peoples’ opinion(us and world wide) he did a great job. just a nibble on the cookie of the bigger package of oreos. hehehe!
to my ROX family thank you for your comments!!! i love the different ideas!!



here, here, ANAREM!! extra money for cancer, brill!! my mum died with breast cancer when i was 17.

@Anarem: Isn’t he the one who can’t read music???

About invading Canada, you’ve got a point, that way they’d be an invincible national team in hockey :)

@Emil: I think it’s George Bush the one who’s going to bring the perpetual summer to Sweden with so much care they have over there about climate change, it doesn’t take a Gessle for that, we’ll see it coming :D

judith and room service: cool yer mojo’s babies, it’s all fun and games here on the chat boards, :)
obsession is fun and random bollocks is even better!
if that nutless chimp in office (bush, that is) could run a company why couldnt per or a half eaten cantalope (again, see america’s current president)

i’d say, per would be a tremendous improvement...

hey tammie, *holding cigarette and glass of boli*

“I THINK HE’S TREMENDOUS” *pouts lips*

derrrrr, if chimp nut could run a country not a company............oh, too much project management bullshit is running through my head, sorry guys

If Bush is a chimp, I wonder who were the other chimps that voted for him. And two administrations in a row, that is a big achievement for a chimp!

santi-i doubt that Bush will give a dime about climate change until such hurricane strikes Texas :-)
but you right about climate change–my country soon will be a desert and sweden will be like Greece

More president like Per won’t be so bad for climate and peace!!! :-))

@hejbird.......woooo! you said a mouthful!!!! that was brill! i’ve felt a bit shunned from our rox family cheers!! “eheh...yer got yer lips eddie....” *somewhere in valdezar*

@room service......not everyone votes bush. don’t be so quick to sum up the facts and draw such a narrow minded conclusion.

@emil...nice comment!

Nobody votes Bush, that’s for sure. So, I wonder WHY he was elected again... Casper and other ghosts have been voting, I guess.

Narrow minded conclusion is the fact that no-one from USA (at least, they pretend that) have voted him. Strange fact. Iwonder if, after the hurricane disaster, he will be elected again...

RS: Unless something DRASTIC happens in the next 3 years... HELL NO!

A president can only serve 2 4-year terms (that was instituted in 1951 by the 22nd Amendment of the US Constitution (this was after Franklin D. Roosevelt was in for 4 4-year terms).

Alright, I voted for Bush... twice. When you only get two real choices for president – I pick the lesser of the two evils. Granted, he’s the biggest idiot CHIMP we’ve had in awhile. But I just couldn’t vote for someone (John Kerry) who would not support the troops that have already committed their lives to IRAQ. An American President can not say “Wrong war at the wrong time” when we have people dying for “freedom”. It undermines everything the soliders are striving for...

The US is really messed up with their priorities, but most of us average people mean well in our intentions.

Gessle for president – I’d vote for him in a heartbeat!

I just hope that Angela Merkel gets to be the next german chancelor!

alo! ein schones grusse and WHATS UP EVERYONE!!

i dont know about anyone else here but i definitely think money talks in the u.s.a so itdoesnt really matter who voted for bush the second time all fairness who voted for him the first time? apparently no one accept his brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i know the whole world hasnt forgotten about the presidential election 2000!!

he’s definitely an “oily” chimp in my book! take me to dobrich or mannheim or london because i certainly will not


how’s that for ridiculous!! hehehe ;) anyways back to important things....

whats up emil and real middle name? how are things on your end of the spectrum?

you know while we’re on the subject of politics, i think the whole u.s goverment should have a giant enima....and no offense to any of you who are pro bush.... it seems to me that our pres is taking the whole capitalist thing a little too far....

what happens when we put a jesus freak oil tycoon into office!?!?!?

we go to war against an oil rich country and who benefits from this?

certainly not me, i’m paying almost $4.00 for less than a gallon of gas.... and who’s making a profit? the rich chimp in a giant chair!

(now I’ll start joking again :)))) that’s why I’ll never HAIL TO THE CHIMP.... THE NUTLESS CHIMP AT THAT!! HEHEHEHEHEEEE

okay enough with the rants, ROXETTE IS THE SHIT!!!

@roomservice......popular vote does not determine who becomes pres. ultimately, the electorial vote wins the election and that is completely separate from the vote of the people. a big misconception on the part of democracy.

@littlespooky.....thanks for the 22nd amendment statement you read my mind! cheers!

@hejbird........yet again you’ve made me LOL! my my what a wicked tongue you have. you should run for office! *oi, shop girl!!* ab fab is brilliant!!!

ok.. obsession turned into madness!! :D

but hey, I’d vote for him, I’m sure he’d be better than any other, at least he would declare some pop/rock tune the national hymn :P


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